Home - Ladysnake/Gaspunk GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Gaspunk wiki! This wiki contains mostly information for developers. Gameplay documentation should be available soon-ish on the FTB wiki.

All of the API module of gaspunk is documented, so go check that first if you have any question.

Installing Gaspunk in your workspace

As Ladysnake does not currently have its own maven, you have basically 3 options. Note that basic integration doesn't require gaspunk to be installed.

  • Manually put the downloaded jar file from curse into a lib folder in your workspace. This is the easiest option but not quite recommended as you shouldn't add the file to your own git repository.
  • Use the Curseforge Maven Endpoint. Example:
repositories {
    maven {
        name = "CurseForge"
        url = "https://minecraft.curseforge.com/api/maven/"
dependencies {
    deobfCompile "gaspunk:gaspunk:${project.mc_version}:${project.gp_version}"
    deobfCompile "gaspunk:ladylib:${project.mc_version}:${project.ll_version}"

Note that mc_version, gp_version and ll_version should be specified in your gradle.properties file. For a complete project using this, see Gaspunk Inhaler by UpcraftLP.

  • Use Jitpack. The dependency block for gaspunk would be
repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.Ladysnake:Gaspunk:master-SNAPSHOT'