Integrate editable constants - Lacro59/playnite-thememodifier-plugin GitHub Wiki
If you have added new variable in Constants.xaml, it is possible to edit them easily by users with the extension.
Type variables available
- Boolean
- String
- Double
- Int
- Color
- SolidColorBrush
- LinearGradientBrush
- Visibility
- VerticalAlignment
- HorizontalAlignment
For Double & Int type, it's possible to define a minimum & maximum value with syntax:
- DetailPanelOpacity(10,20): Details Panels Opacity
- DetailPanelLessOpacity(10,20)
Integrate in new file thememodifier.yaml in same folder that theme.yaml
To allow editing of your variables, you must add the key.
If the variable does not exist in Constants.xaml, it will become a title.