Event: ApprovalCreated - LabelHub/labelhub.integration.documentation GitHub Wiki

ApprovalCreatedEvent v1



Name Type Notes
mln string The Manufacturer Label Number for which the approval was created
recipientEmail string Email of recipient
dueDate Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD in UTC
message string Custom message to send to the recipient with the approval request
senderEmail string The email of the user sending the approval
branded bool Is the approval branded with company information or is it neutral.
allowArtworkDownload bool Can the recipient download the artwork file locally.

Full sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<approvalcreatedevent version="1">
  <recipientEmail>[email protected]</recipientEmail>
  <message>Please make sure to check that the background image is as you'd like!</message>
  <senderEmail>[email protected]</senderEmail>
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