Event: ApprovalCreated - LabelHub/labelhub.integration.documentation GitHub Wiki
Name | Type | Notes |
mln | string | The Manufacturer Label Number for which the approval was created |
recipientEmail | string | Email of recipient |
dueDate | Date | Format: YYYY-MM-DD in UTC |
message | string | Custom message to send to the recipient with the approval request |
senderEmail | string | The email of the user sending the approval |
branded | bool | Is the approval branded with company information or is it neutral. |
allowArtworkDownload | bool | Can the recipient download the artwork file locally. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<approvalcreatedevent version="1">
<recipientEmail>[email protected]</recipientEmail>
<message>Please make sure to check that the background image is as you'd like!</message>
<senderEmail>[email protected]</senderEmail>