Entity: Order - LabelHub/labelhub.integration.documentation GitHub Wiki

Order v1

OrderV1 properties

Name Type Notes
LabelHubId int Internal number for the order in LabelHub. Uniquely represents the order within LabelHub
OrderNumber string The ordernumber given to the order by the user
BrandOwner BrandOwnerV1 The brandowner who placed the order within LabelHub
BillingAddress AddressV1 Deliveryaddress selected for this order
DeliveryAddress AddressV1 Billingaddress selected for this order
Reference string Referencenumber given to this order by the user
Description string
Message string
PurchaseOrderNumber string
Status string
RequestedDeliveryDate Date
DeliveryDate Date
CreatedByUser UserV1
Summary OrdersummaryV1
OrderLines OrderLineV1[]
CreatedAt DateTime
UpdatedAt DateTime

AddressV1 properties

Name Type Notes
Name string
Company string
Contact string
Street string
Street2ndLine string
Number string
Postcode string
City string
Country string

BrandOwnerV1 properties

Name Type Notes
BrandOwnerNo string
Name string
Address string
ZipCode string
City string
Country string
OrgNo string

OrderSummaryV1 properties

Name Type Notes
CreatedByUserName string
BrandOwnerName string
TotalGroups int
TotalLabels int
TotalQuantity int

OrderLineV1 properties

Name Type Notes
Quantity int
BrandOwnerName string
Reference string
Description string
Label OrderLabelV1
Summary OrderLineSummaryV1
CreatedAt DateTime
UpdatedAt DateTime

OrderLabelV1 properties

Name Type Notes
LabelNoManufacturer string
LabelNoBrandOwner string
Description string
Status string
Shape string
Width float
Height float
CornerRadius float
LabelsAcross int
PrintMethod string
CreatedAt DateTime
StockQuantity int
NotesInternal string
NotesExternal string

OrderLineSummaryV1 properties

Name Type Notes
LabelNumberManufacturer string
LabelNumberBrandOwner string
LabelDescription string
LabelShape string
LabelStatus string
LabelWidth float
LabelHeight float

UserV1 properties

Name Type Notes
UserId string
Name string
Email string
Title string
Phone string