Command: Impose - LabelHub/labelhub.integration.documentation GitHub Wiki

ImposeCommand v1



Name Type Required Default Notes
identifier string Yes Identification of the final imposition. This can and will later be used to reference the imposition and is usually used in order to identify the resulting PDF-file.
machineNo string The idenfication of the machine this imposition is designated for. If not specified, labelhub will assume the default machine settings. It is recommended to specify a machine if at all possible and not rely on the default.
dieNo string The idenficiation of die to be used for this imposition. If none is specified, a virtual die is assumed. In such case it is very important to specify all cell-details below.
cellWidth decimal (die) The width of each cell in the imposition grid. See Localization for information on handling of numbers
cellHeight decimal (die) The height of each cell in the imposition grid. See Localization for information on handling of numbers
cellDistanceAcross decimal (die) The horisontal distance/gap between each cell in the imposition grid
cellDistanceForward decimal (die) The vertical distance/gap between each cell in the imposition grid
cellCountAcross integer (die) Number of labels horisontal on the imposition grid
cellCountForward integer (die) Number of labels vertical on the imposition grid
clipBleed decimal (setting) The amount of bleed to keep on each cell. Defaults to manufacturer setting, usually 1mm
sheetOffset decimal (machine) The offset on the grid. Defaults to the setting on the machine, but can be overriden
labels array Yes List of labels to impose. See label section for details


Name Type Required Default Notes
labelNoManufacturer string Yes Manufacturer labelnumber
row integer null The row to place the artwork in inside the imposition grid. If not specified/null it will be placed in all available rows. See notes on row/columns below!
column integer null The column to place the artwork in inside the imposition grid. If not specified/null it will be placed in all available columns. See notes on row/columns below!
rotation integer The rotation in degrees of the label in the cell. Must be either 0, 90, 180, 270 or not specified. If not specified the rotation will use the default rotation of the label.

Full sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<imposecommand version="1">

Minimum sample using die for details on grid

This will impose the label 101010 in all cells in the grid specified on the die D1004

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<imposecommand version="1">

Minimum sample with a virtual die(e.g. for laser cutting)

This will impose the label 101010 in all cells in a 4x3 grid.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<imposecommand version="1">

Sample with a virtual die and rotation

This will impose the label A and B alternating(e.g. front- and backside) in each column(=each final roll)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<imposecommand version="1">

Sample with a virtual die and advanced step and repeat

This will impose the label AAA and BBB side by side giving which will result in a roll of A and a roll of B labels.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<imposecommand version="1">

Notes on rows and columns in imposition grids

Labels are imposed in a grid-pattern with a number of columns and rows. The number of these are specified by either a die or by cellCountAcross/cellCountForward. The first row/column are zero-indexed and has the designation 0. If a label is designated row=0 and column=0, it will ONLY be placed at that exact location in the grid. If row/column is not defined("wildcard designation"), then it will be placed at ALL available locations. So a label with the designation row=(not specified)and column=0 will fill the entire first column of the grid with that particular label. This reduces the need to specify each and every cell in the grid. Thereby reducing the number of nessesary label-sections in the file. If "wildcards" are used to create complex impositions, it worth noting that some designations take precedence over others. Generally a more specific designation will take precedence over a less specific designation. The priority of this is:

  1. Row is specified, column is specified
  2. Row is wildcard, column is specified
  3. Row is specified, column is wildcard
  4. Row is wildcard, column is wildcard

The first condition that is met "wins" a particular cell!

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️