Command: CreateApproval - LabelHub/labelhub.integration.documentation GitHub Wiki

CreateApprovalCommand v1

Note: If an existing approval on the same label exists, it will be cancelled and a new approval will be generated with the information in the CreateApprovalCommand.



Name Type Required Default Notes
mln string Yes The Manufacturer Label Number for which to create the approval. The current artwork(the latest) on the MLN will be used for creating the approval process
recipientEmail string Yes Email of recipient of the approval process
dueDate Date Yes Format: YYYY-MM-DD, must be UTC!
message string Custom message to send to the recipient with the approval request
reference string Custom reference for the approval. Can be used for grouping of multiple related approvals
senderEmail string (current user) Defaults to the user creating the approval. The email must exist as user in LabelHub! Otherwise it will automatic fallback to the creator user which usually will be a custom integration user.
isReseller bool false This enables reseller functions for the approval process, like custom branding etc.
allowArtworkDownload bool false Should the recipient be able to download the artwork file locally. This defaults to the manufacturer setting which is usually "false", refer to LabelHub support to change the default

Full sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<createapprovalcommand version="1">
  <recipientEmail>[email protected]</recipientEmail>
  <message>Please make sure to check that the background image is as you'd like!</message>
  <senderEmail>[email protected]</senderEmail>

Minimum sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<createapprovalcommand version="1">
  <recipientEmail>[email protected]</recipientEmail>
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️