Project Implementation - LUXIANZE/WIF3003_ConcurrentProgrammingProject GitHub Wiki

21st MAY 2020

The project has done basic setup and is ready for development, the development schedule will be uploaded soon.

22nd MAY 2020

Task distributed as:

Class PIC
PointGenerator Ka Chun
Point Clement
Edge Yaw
PointPairingThread Lu
Board + StopTask Sia

The tasks are expected to be done by 28th MAY 2020.

2nd JUNE 2020

Simple Unit Tests are carried out before merging, however certain flaws still were detected through static testing, the details:

  • PointGenerator helper class that provides general functions that does not require instantiation was created by Ka Chun. Merged by Lu.
  • Point Class was created by Clement, Reviewed by Lu. A few redundant methods are being discussed and agreed to be deleted.
  • Edge Class was created by Yaw, no problem hence proceed to merge.
  • PointPairingThread was created by Lu, renamed to PointPairingTask for better naming. Reviewed by Ka Chun and Yaw, carried out modifications accordingly before merging by Ka Chun.
  • Board and StopTask, currently under construction by Sia.

20th JUNE 2020

Construction of Front-end

  • Look for possible solutions online
  • Implementation using a single React-component.
  • Front-end development with dummy data.
  • Back-end creating channels for different data.
  • Front-end and Back-end integration.
  • Include colours to identify threads.

24th JUNE 2020

Wrapping up the project

  • Prepared executable jar for server instance, coded to be hosted on localhost port 8080.
  • Prepared instructions of executing the project with both Front-end and Back-end launched.