Home - LUXIANZE/WIF3003_ConcurrentProgrammingProject GitHub Wiki

Team Members:

Name ID Roles
Lu Xianze (Leader) WIF170073 (17073550/1) Distribute tasks, repository setup
Yaw Jian Hao WIF170172 (17195967/1) Prepare state diagrams for runnable class
Chan Ka Chun WIF170025 (17192346/1) Setup project server side code
Sia Sim Cheong WIF170150 (17073949/1) Develop Project prototype to detect possible risks
Clement Saw Kiat Chun WIF170032 (17077081/1) Prepare class diagram and state diagram

This page generally updates the project progress. For other project related details, navigate through the side-bar on the right.

Current Progress

22nd MAY 2020

The team has gone through series of discussions for the project designs and what framework to use. Considering speed and quality are both at stake, framework is chosen as they are stable and ready to use. The framework chosen as for now is to use React with Spring boot as server side framework.

The current progress of team is at the beginning of implementation phase. All members have to make sure that the setup runs smoothly at own machine. There is no restriction of IDE to use, all members can do according to personal favour. The coding will start with both server side and client side asynchronously.

2nd JUNE 2020

The implementation has been carried out for a little bit more than a week. Along the implementation phase, a few things did no went as planned. The progress is not as fast as predicted, and the code structure has changed by a bit. As we want more control over the PointPairingTask, it has been changed to implement Callable interface instead of Runnable. Because of the use of Lombok java library, it saved a lot of effort, the getter and setter of data structures are not required to be coded explicitly and still be able to use without worries.

20th JUNE 2020

The implementation for Front-end animation has begun. Installation of relevant packages and surveys on methods to achieve the effect desired have been carried out. Decided to use overlapping svg shapes to achieve the desired effects.

24th JUNE 2020

The implementation of Front-end has completed with coloured lines representing edges formed by different threads.