Installing the LSST DM stack and the related packages - LSSTDESC/ReprocessingTaskForce GitHub Wiki


Installing the stack

There are several way to install the LSST DM stack,they are documented in the LSST Confluence documentation. Unless you are absolutely needing the bleeding edge version of the stack (from the master branch) we recommend to stick to the official tagged versions and to use the CernVM-FS distribution.

Configuring the stack

If we assume that the stack is installed in install_dir :

source install_dir/loadLSST.bash    # assuming that you are in a bash shell
setup pipe_tasks                    # this will declare a set of useful packages

Installing extra packages

In order to process images, we at least need to get the package specific to the telescope / camera in use. Up to now these packages are not distributed with the standard stack. We will use the CFHT/Megacam package as an example

mkdir my_packages
cd my_packages
git clone
cd obs_cfht

LSST DM is using eups as a code version manager and scons as a Software CONStruction tool. So the commands to build the package and to declare it to eups are the following

setup -k -r .
scons opt=3

Note: at the moment, building the obs_cfht package will generate an error when running the test (running tests/ failed), that can simply be ignored (!)

eups declare -r . -t your_userid   # where your_userid is your user id on the computer that you are using  

Once the obs_cfht package is built and declared to eups, it needs to be setup in the shell where the stack is run :

setup obs_cfht -t your_userid

Installing meas_extensions_shapeHSM

The meas_extensions_shapeHSM package installation is not straight forward as it requires two dependencies which require a special installation procedure : tmv and galsim

Installing tmv

cd $SOME_DIR/my_packages
git clone
cd  tmv/upstream
tar -xvzf tmv0.72.tar.gz
cd tmv0.72
scons install PREFIX=$SOME_DIR/my_packages/tmv
cd ../..
eups declare -r . -t your_login_name
setup tmv -t your_login_name

Installing galsim

cd $SOME_DIR/my_packages
git clone
cd  galsim/upstream
tar -xvzf GalSim-v1.2.tar.gz
cd GalSim
scons install PREFIX=$SOME_DIR/my_packages/galsim
cd ../..
cp -r upstream/GalSim/include include
eups declare -r . -t your_login_name
setup GalSim -t your_login_name

Installing meas_extensions_shapeHSM

cd $SOME_DIR/my_packages
git clone
cd meas_extensions_shapeHSM
setup -k -r .
scons opt=3
eups declare -r . -t your_login_name
setup meas_extensions_shapeHSM -t your_login_name