CFHT D3 reprocessing @ccin2p3 - LSSTDESC/ReprocessingTaskForce GitHub Wiki
Calibrated Exposures (
software :
Lists of images processed: [u] ( ) g r i z
Status of the production (as of 2016/07/12): u g r i z
Lists of Bads (as of 2016/07/12): u g r i z
Output files:
calexps: /sps/lsst/data/CFHT/D3/output/calexp -> size ~ 8.5T
sources: /sps/lsst/data/CFHT/D3/output/src -> size ~ 761G
To have more info (concerning a channel, or to get the list of images that crashed), you may use the GUI appearing after launching (@ccin2p3 only): python /sps/lsst/dev/lsstprod/CFHT/D3/utils/Production_Status/processCcd/
Creating a Skymap _parent/output --output _parent/output/coadd_dir @r.list --configfile
r.list : list of images (r band) used at the processCcd stage
output file of
Identify the list of (tract,patch) overlaping the region of interest _parent/output/coadd_dir --config raDecRange="211.888, 50.839, 217.497, 54.123" --id tract=0 patch=0,0 filter=r > patches.txt
output file
List of patches
Modification of the list of patches : sed -e 's/^/--id filter=r /' patches.txt > patches_r.txt
Adjust images to the sky map patches _parent/output --output _parent/output/coadd_dir --id filter=r @patches_r.txt @r_mod.list --configfile -j 4 where r_mod.list is obtained from r.list: sed -e 's/id/selectId filter=r /' r.list >& r_mod.list
[Skymap and Calexps] ( band)
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