(Old) Self Destruct - LSFN/Design GitHub Wiki

=Description= Blows up your ship. Prevents hostile parties from making off with your ship. This should have both a timer and some form of activation / deactivation code. The timer allows the crew to get to escape-pods / shuttles before the ship destroys itself. The codes mean that only the captain (or, if there is no captain, a small number of players that is usually greater than 1) can order a self-destruct. The codes also prevent deactivation of the self-destruct sequence by boarding parties once you've evacuated the ship. The boarding party may try to hack the codes to either activate or deactivate the self-destruct; in the case of attempted deactivation, the timer's setting is crucial to allow enough time to evacuate but not enough to hack the codes. When the ship does blow up, the ship is reduced to debris and everyone on board (be they boarders or crew) will be killed.

=Methods of Self-Destruction= The ship may choose it's self-destruct mechanism. This is usually a conventional explosive but seeing as all on board the ship will be lost, there may be a desire to collectively detonate the remaining munitions on board to increase the "screw you" factor of your ship's demise. One such method would be to simply turn off the anti-matter containment fields of all anti-matter torpedoes. Larger explosions have a larger radius and may extend to other ships, damaging them.

Desperation ramming an enemy ship?