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Hello TNC training team! Welcome to your training in DHIS2, provided by LogicalOutcomes.
Training objective
Our objective for this training is to help you understand your DHIS2 instance, implement it, and improve or expand it over time. Participants should exit the course having developed all the skills they need to begin working with DHIS2. Going forward, we want you to feel confident building new skills independently.
We are curious about your learning objectives! You will have a chance to explore your goals for the course in our first session together.
How the training will work
Structure: We have designed this training around your unique instance in DHIS2. We will meet weekly (possibly twice a week sometimes) for 90-min training sessions, spread over the course of eight weeks. During those sessions, we will introduce new tasks, show you how to work through them, ask you to try them out, and respond to all your questions.
Most of our work will take place in a private DHIS2 dev-space, where you can feel free to try new things without accidentally deleting something important. Some of our work will take place in worksheets, where you will prepare data for upload to DHIS2.
Between lessons, we may ask you to watch a video, perform an exercise, or read some text in preparation for the next training session.
Materials: All instructions and learning materials are available right here, in the TNC training wiki. You can locate them in the right-hand menu.
**A streamed approach to training:** Each member of the TNC evaluation team occupies a particular role. We want to help each of you to develop the specific skills that you need to perform your work effectively.
For this reason, we have adopted a streamed approach in our training. You will split into three different groups, each composed of members who hold similar roles. We will all meet together for the first training session, and come together for a shared reflection session at the end of the training. But for much of the training, LogicalOutcomes trainers will meet with the three groups separately:
System administrators have a lot of learning to get through. We'll probably ask you to join us for ten 90-min sessions, so that we can help you develop the full skillset you need to run your DHIS2 instance and improve it over time.
Data entry co-ordinators will attend fewer sessions. We aim to teach you the operations that you need to perform in DHIS2 over the course of just two lessons, plus the introductory session and final reflection.
Reporting staff will likewise attend just two sessions, plus the first and last session.
Meeting over Microsoft Teams: Our training will be held using Microsoft Teams' meeting function. Teams is an online communication platform. It is easy to use, and provides reliable connection for group calls. Teams is also a great space for asking questions or collaborating over exercises during the week. You will receive login information prior to the start of training.
Although Teams supports video chat, we will probably keep our cameras turned off for the training sessions. This uses less bandwidth, and it allows us to share our screens as we walk you through operations in DHIS2.
A note about DHIS2
DHIS2 is a powerful system for monitoring and evaluation. It has all sorts of wonderful capabilities that allow you to track the way that programs are delivered, assess program outcomes, and share findings in beautiful reports. These capabilities make DHIS2 very powerful and flexible, but they also make it complicated. As a result, DHIS2 can be intimidating to learn.
Our training begins with the most basic features of DHIS2, and works through new applications and tasks in a logical manner. We hope that by the end of the course, terms that were once foreign will become second-nature, and applications that once seemed impossibly complicated will become quite easy to use.
Please watch this video
A demonstration of DHIS2 (link) This video gives new DHIS2 learners a sense for the system and its main applications. LogicalOutcomes Executive Director, Sara Gaudon, walks you through the DHIS2 demo space, which features health data from Sierra Leone. The video goes into a lot of detail. Not all of these details are relevant to non-system administrators, so if you are not a system administrator, please feel free to watch only part of the video. If the detail feels overwhelming, please remember that we have eight weeks to learn these features together. It will all make sense to you soon!