SRB5380 - LOUD-Project/Git-LOUD GitHub Wiki

"Deadshot": Tech 3 Accuracy Boost Node

Tech 3 Accuracy Boost Node
Source: BrewLAN for LOUD
Unit ID: srb5380
Faction: Cybran
Tech level: 3
Health: 5000
Armour: Structure
Energy cost: 4000
Mass cost: 1000
Build time: 1001 (Details)
Vision radius: 10 (200 m)
Water vision radius: 10 (200 m)
Motion type: RULEUMT_None
Buildable layers: Land
Wreckage: 4500

"Deadshot" is a Cybran structure unit included in BrewLAN for LOUD. It is classified as a tech 3 accuracy boost node unit. The build description for this unit is:

Adjacent static weaponry spend longer aiming, resulting in higher accuracy. Multiple nodes stack.


This unit counts as SIZE4 for adjacency effects from other structures. This theoretically means that it can be surrounded by exactly 4 structures the size of a standard tech 1 power generator, which is accurate; meaning it can get the maximum intended buff effects.

The adjacency bonus T3WeaponBoosterAccuracyAdjacencyBuffs is given by this unit. This affects weapon accuracy, weapon energy drain, and weapon rate of fire.


Weapon accuracy: -1โ„4
Weapon energy drain: +1โ„40
Weapon rate of fire: +1โ„40


Build times and rate include EvenFlow.

Categories : CYBRAN ยท TECH3 ยท STRUCTURE
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