External Plugins - LMMS/lmms GitHub Wiki

In addition to the native plugins that come bundled with LMMS, there are also a few external native LMMS plugins that can be built separately. These plugins are still largely experimental, and have only been tested on Linux. Note that you will need to compile these plugins from source.


lmms-sporth is an effect plugin which brings the audio language Sporth into LMMS.

The current implementation of the Sporth LMMS plugin has the following features:

  • Stereo processing of left/right input signal
  • Ability to read project tempo
  • Code recompilation on-the-fly (can be done via automation or from within the Sporth code itself)
  • 4 generic knobs that Sporth can read from
  • Text editor that is able to save Sporth code
  • Ability to spawn multiple instances of Sporth

For more information on Sporth, here are some external links: