LSP Database Management - LMMS/ GitHub Wiki

You'll need to be granted SSH access by sharing your public key with a server admin.

  1. At the console, login to MySQL as lsp

    mysql -u lsp -p
  2. Select the lsp database

    use lsp;
  3. Determine which table you'd like to touch

    show tables;


    # +---------------+
    # | Tables_in_lsp |
    # +---------------+
    # | categories    |
    # | comments      |
    # | files         |
    # | filetypes     |
    # | licenses      |
    # | ratings       |
    # | subcategories |
    # | users         |
    # +---------------+
    # 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  4. Determine the table layout by selecting the first record:

    select * from comments limit 1


    # mysql> select * from comments limit 1;
    # +----+---------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
    # | id | user_id | file_id | date                | text                                        |
    # +----+---------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
    # |  1 |     555 |     555| 2011-02-15 05:22:91  | What a nice song, thanks for sharing!       |
    # +----+---------+---------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------+
    # 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  5. Delete by id or a very unique pattern... Don't forget the semicolon at the end!

    delete from comments where id = 1;
  6. Alternately, you may delete by other fields...

    select * from comments where user_id = 555 and file_id = 555;
    (1 row returned)
    delete from comments where user_id = 555 and file_id = 555;
    (1 row affected)
  7. Or by pattern...

    select * from comments where text like '%very bad word%';
  8. Reset a user's password:

    update users set password = LOWER(SHA1('some_new_password')) where login = 'some_valid_user_name';
  9. Ctrl+D to logout of MySQL

  10. Ctrl+D again to logout of SSH