Forums Smilies Installation - LMMS/ GitHub Wiki

  1. Download a smiles pack. This should contain a bunch of .gif or .png files as well as a .pak installation file.


  1. Optionally backup the directory /forum/images/smilies as some smiley packs overwrite the existing pack
  2. Extract all of the .gif or .png files as well as a .pak file to /forum/images/smilies on the web server.
  3. Navigate to Forums, Administration Control Panel, Posting, Smilies
  4. In the top right click "Install Smilies Package"
  5. The new package should list. Take the option to "Replace Matches"

Note, if the old .gif files were not replaced, old posts will continue to use old smilies and new posts will use the new smilies. 👍

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