Project Definition - LLstarla/P3--DVR-Remote GitHub Wiki
Our world is progressing rapidly each and every year in regards to technology. Touch sensitive, portable, quick, global, multiple functions, and accessibility are some of the most important features technology is incorporating. This project of designing apps needs to exist in order to fit into our progressing society. Practically everyone has an iphone, ipod, ipad, or any other type of "smart device" which all use apps. Knowing how to design and create apps helps designers, such as myself, adapt to technology and even lead to more efficient or innovative ideas.
When designing my app, I tried to make it cleaner, more streamlined controls, intuitive, and customizable. The user has lots of access to all of their content, while keeping it simple, and unique to the individual. For example, my remote has only the basics, which helps maintain an easy to use and sleek appearance.
Commonly, many remotes that control technology have been very clunky and almost excessive. Tv remotes for example, contain lots of buttons that people either don't know what they do, or never ever use them. Also, there is a separation between user and technology in regards to terminology. Sometimes instructions or descriptions are not expressed in a way that the user can completely understand. With my app, all of the interfaces are clearly labeled in every day, terminology that the user can relate to.
Since my app is extremely simple, even though it incorporates a large amount of functions, it is user friendly to all ages who enjoy television. Little kids would be able to easily navigate the controls in order to manipulate the tv. Remotes can easily get lost in between the couch cushions, and require batteries. Since this app is located on the phone, that most people keep on their person, adults can easily control their tv from the comfort of their device. All of them share the same purpose when using my app, to enjoy fast, stream lined television, anywhere, anytime, in a very uncomplicated and accessible way.
Some solutions that may exist could be voice recognition where the user could scroll through the interfaces. Also, with the smart devices already being voice sensitive, a user could simply say "play name of show" and the app would then instantly command the tv to play the show. Another solution could be intuition from the app itself. Analyzing the user's preferences and using that as future suggestions.