Meeting Notes 2017 04 12 - LLNL-Collaboration/uiuc2016 GitHub Wiki
Progress Review
Update the C++ Blueprint server implementation so that it sends all of the fields on the loaded mesh to the client on each update instead of a single arbitrarily selected field.
Extended the C++ Blueprint server code so that it sends all of the input meshes fields on each update.
Update the Mesh Viewer code to be capable of receiving and storing mesh data for multiple fields from the websocket server.
Extended the Mesh Viewer code so that it can receive multiple fields from the server on each update.
Add a selection box to the mesh viewer interface that allows the user to visualize a chosen field on the mesh.
Added tabs that correspond to fields to allow the user to switch between multiple fields.
Enhance the mesh viewer so that it's able to determine the type of the field (i.e. vertex-centered or element-centered) and render it appropriately.
Enhanced the Mesh Viewer code so that it uses the field association instead of name to determine how to render each given field.
Supplement the tooltips that are rendered when hovering over an element/vertex with all of the information about that element/vertex (e.g. ID, field values, position(s), etc.).
Added more information to each of the tooltips (applies to both element-centered and node-centered field rendering).
(Stretch) Add the ability to read HDF5 files to the C++ Blueprint server.
Added the code to read in HDF5 files to the C++ Blueprint server, but were unable to make it work completely due to output confusion.
Upcoming Tasks
Create a rough draft for the poster and have it posted to Slack by the evening of 4/17 for review.
(Stretch) Implement a simple "simulation" to demo at the poster session.