Meeting Notes 2017 04 12 - LLNL-Collaboration/uiuc2016 GitHub Wiki


  • Joe
  • Ming
  • Huck
  • Xingrui
  • Tong

Progress Review

  • Update the C++ Blueprint server implementation so that it sends all of the fields on the loaded mesh to the client on each update instead of a single arbitrarily selected field.
    • Extended the C++ Blueprint server code so that it sends all of the input meshes fields on each update.
  • Update the Mesh Viewer code to be capable of receiving and storing mesh data for multiple fields from the websocket server.
    • Extended the Mesh Viewer code so that it can receive multiple fields from the server on each update.
  • Add a selection box to the mesh viewer interface that allows the user to visualize a chosen field on the mesh.
    • Added tabs that correspond to fields to allow the user to switch between multiple fields.
  • Enhance the mesh viewer so that it's able to determine the type of the field (i.e. vertex-centered or element-centered) and render it appropriately.
    • Enhanced the Mesh Viewer code so that it uses the field association instead of name to determine how to render each given field.
  • Supplement the tooltips that are rendered when hovering over an element/vertex with all of the information about that element/vertex (e.g. ID, field values, position(s), etc.).
    • Added more information to each of the tooltips (applies to both element-centered and node-centered field rendering).
  • (Stretch) Add the ability to read HDF5 files to the C++ Blueprint server.
    • Added the code to read in HDF5 files to the C++ Blueprint server, but were unable to make it work completely due to output confusion.

Upcoming Tasks

  • Create a rough draft for the poster and have it posted to Slack by the evening of 4/17 for review.
  • (Stretch) Implement a simple "simulation" to demo at the poster session.