Meeting Notes 2016 12 16 - LLNL-Collaboration/uiuc2016 GitHub Wiki


  • Cyrus
  • Kenny
  • Huck
  • Tong
  • Xingrui

Progress Review

Two weeks ago, added support for blueprint format for mesh viewer. This was done by converting blueprint format to ming's format, this week the goals where:

  • look at supporting blueprint directly (without transformING to ming's format)
  • figure out how to use conduit server

Huck: looked at mesh viewer, needs to convert blueprint to an assoc array or map to emit to d3 for rendering.

Cyrus: In the future we need to look at the best way to emit this data. Kenny: There should be a path for d3 to digest the arrays

Xingrui: looked into the conduit server, wanted to know if we are doing rest or websocket.

Cyrus: the rest case should suffice.

For an idea of the usage model of the conduit server -- see the info on launching the conduit node relay viewer under "Conduit Mesh Blueprint REST Server"

Upcoming Tasks

  • Finish Doodle Poll on meeting time for next semester by the end of the first week of school (1/20/17)