Example of exhibition structure
- API stores all information in "single" string
- Processing is maintained in save a load expo actions
const templateStructure = {
screens: [
/* array of sections */
[templateScreen, templateScreen] /* first section with two screens */,
[templateScreen] /* second section with one screen */
files: [
/* array of folders */
name: "folderName1",
files: [templateFile] /* files of first folder */
name: "folderName2",
files: [templateFile, templateFile]
/* Uncategorized files */
files: [templateFile, templateFile, templateFile]
Exhibition intro
const start = {
type: "START",
title: "expo title",
subTitle: "expo subTitle",
perex: "perex",
image: templateFile.id,
imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
audio: templateFile.id,
collaborators: [{role: "role", text: "text"}, {role: "role", text: "text"}],
documents: [],
screenCompleted: false
Chapter intro
const chapterStart = {
type: "INTRO",
title: "chapter title",
subTitle: "chapter subTitle",
image: templateFile.id,
imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
animationType: "FROM_TOP",
audio: templateFile.id,
time: 22,
timeAuto: false,
music: templateFile.id,
documents: [],
screenCompleted: false
Picture screen
const image = {
type: "IMAGE",
title: "screen title",
text: "screen text",
image: templateFile.id,
imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
animationType: "FROM_TOP",
audio: templateFile.id,
time: 22,
timeAuto: false,
infopoints: [{text: "text", positionX: 0, positionY: 0, alwaysVisible: false}],
documents: [],
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Video screen
const video = {
type: "VIDEO",
title: "screen title",
text: "screen text",
video: templateFile.id,
documents: [],
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Text screen
const text = {
type: "TEXT",
title: "screen title",
text: "screen text",
mainText: "text",
audio: templateFile.id,
time: 22,
timeAuto: false,
documents: [],
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Photo gallery screen
const photogalery = {
title: "screen title",
text: "screen text",
images: [{ id: templateFile.id, imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 }, infopoints: [{ text: "text", positionX: 0, positionY: 0, alwaysVisible: false }] }],
animationType: "FROM_TOP",
audio: templateFile.id,
time: 22,
timeAuto: false,
documents: [],
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Parallax screen
const parallax = {
type: "PARALLAX",
title: "screen title",
text: "screen text",
images: [ templateFile.id, templateFile.id, templateFile.id ],
animationType: "FROM_TOP",
audio: templateFile.id,
time: 22,
timeAuto: false,
documents: [],
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Zoom in screen
const zoomIn = {
type: "IMAGE_ZOOM",
title: "screen title",
text: "screen text",
image: templateFile.id,
imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
sequence: [{ text: "text", zoom: 2, top: 0, left: 0 }],
audio: templateFile.id,
time: 22,
timeAuto: false,
documents: [],
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Before-after screen
const imageChange = {
title: "screen title",
text: "screen text",
image1: templateFile.id,
image2: templateFile.id,
image1OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
image2OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
animationType: "HOVER",
audio: templateFile.id,
time: 22,
timeAuto: false,
documents: [],
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Screen with an External object
const external = {
type: "EXTERNAL",
title: "screen title",
text: "screen text",
externalData: "code",
audio: templateFile.id,
time: 22,
timeAuto: false,
documents: [],
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Minigame "find in map"
const gameFind = {
type: "GAME_FIND",
title: "screen title",
task: "game task",
image1: templateFile.id,
image2: templateFile.id,
image1OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
image2OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
showTip: true,
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Minigame "Draw"
const gameDraw = {
type: "GAME_DRAW",
title: "screen title",
task: "game task",
image1: templateFile.id,
image2: templateFile.id,
image1OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
image2OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
showDrawing: true,
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Minigame "Scratch Card"
const gameWipe = {
type: "GAME_WIPE",
title: "screen title",
task: "game task",
image1: templateFile.id,
image2: templateFile.id,
image1OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
image2OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Minigame "Guess"
const gameSizing = {
type: "GAME_SIZING",
title: "screen title",
task: "game task",
image1: templateFile.id,
image2: templateFile.id,
image3: templateFile.id,
image1OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
image2OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
image3OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Minigame "Move"
const gameMove = {
type: "GAME_MOVE",
title: "screen title",
task: "game task",
image1: templateFile.id,
image2: templateFile.id,
object: templateFile.id,
image1OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
image2OrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
objectOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
Minigame "Quiz"
const gameOptions = {
title: "screen title",
task: "game task",
image: templateFile.id,
imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 },
answers: [
{correct: true, text: "text odpovědi", image: templateFile.id, imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 }},
{correct: false, text: "text odpovědi", image: templateFile.id, imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 }},
{correct: false, text: "text odpovědi", image: templateFile.id, imageOrigData: { width: 0, height: 0 }}
aloneScreen: false,
music: templateFile.id,
muteChapterMusic: false,
screenCompleted: false
End of exhibition
const finish = {
type: "FINISH",