MSBufferTeam - LEEClab/MSBuffer GitHub Wiki
About the MSBuffer Team
MSBuffer was developed and is maintained by the Spatial Ecology and Conservation Lab (LEEC), at Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. If you also want to contribute, feel free to contact us, open an issue, or fork the repository to work inside the code.
Bruno P. Leles
Description here.
Bernardo Brandão S. Niebuhr
PhD candidate at the Ecology Department in Universidade Estadual Paulista. His research interests include landscape ecology, movement ecology, population and community dynamics, animal-plant interactions, and statistical and individual-based modelling in ecology.
John Wesley Ribeiro
Undergraduate student in Computer Science at Faculdade Anhanguera. His research interests include free and open source software development, remote sensing, and landscape ecology tools with applications in natural sciences.
Milton Cezar Ribeiro
Assistant professor at São Paulo State University - Ecology Department. His interests include spatial ecology, ecologically scaled landscape planning, multi-functional ecological corridors, biodiversity conservation, and movement ecology.
Camila Eboli
Description here.
Juliana Silveira dos Santos
Description here.
Alice C. Hughes
Description here.