Contributing and Updating - LEARNAcademy/syllabus GitHub Wiki

Contributing to/Updating the Learn Syllabus

As instructing staff of Learn Academy you may find yourself needing to contribute or otherwise update the content in the syllabus. This git workflow might be very familiar to you, but here are the steps for reference.

Obtaining a copy

First, get a copy onto your machine:

  1. From here, navigate to the '<>Code' tab at the top left under 'LEARNAcademy/Syllabus'
  2. Find and click 'Clone or download' dropdown button
  3. Copy the link or click the clipboard button
  4. In terminal navigate to where you want your copy of the syllabus
  5. Run your git clone <pasted url> in the terminal

Start working

You want to start your changes on a branch:

  1. Run git checkout -b name_of_branch to create a branch for your changes
  2. Start making your edits
  3. Run `git commit -am' with your commit message
  4. Run git push origin name_of_branch to push your branch to github

Making a pull request

When you're satisfied with your changes and they're ready to be reviewed, make a pull request:

  1. If it's a new branch you can click the 'Compare and pull request' button or just click the 'New pull request' button
  2. Write a short description detailing your changes
  3. Click 'Create pull request'

Note: Issues like typos don't require review to be merged into the syllabus. Also, if a change is urgent review may be skipped in favor of timely update.

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