desktop browser api - LDSorg/ GitHub Wiki


LDS I/O provides security features and APIs appropriate for accessing data and developing browser, mobile, and desktop apps.

(DEPRECATED) Desktop Browser API

This API is old and kludgy. See instead.

Since there is no official API for, the debugger tools in Chrome are going to have to suffice.

This is just documentation for as-is. If you want a library that you could use with PhantomJS, CasperJS, or a bookmarklet, see ldsorgjs.

Feel free to edit anything that's out-of-date, just be sure to scrub it of any personal information first.

All of the tokens expire within a few minutes and the ids are useless unless you're logged in and have pemission to that unit, so those you don't have to worry about scrubbing as much.

Also note that there are likely fields that a ward, stake, or area clerk, and bishop, stake president, or area authority can see that an unprivileged member cannot.

And whatever you're doing - be it an iOS app or web or whatever, be keenly aware of privacy and legal concerns.

Overview & Playground

Go log into and then start clicking on these links below to see what the api looks like.

I'd also recommend installing the Chrome Plugin JSONView for easy formatting of the data.

Note that fields preceded by colons, such as #{unit_number} require an id that you'd get from another resource. Directory

Documentation for the Directory based on web debugger inspection.


GET /directory/services/ludrs/util/ver/

Current Area, Stake, & Ward MetaData

All wards are listed as the stake

GET /directory/services/ludrs/unit/current-user-ward-stake/
        "areaUnitNo": 777777,
        "branch": false,
        "district": false,
        "mission": false,
        "newPhotoCount": -1,
        "stake": true,
        "stakeName": "Provo Utah YSA 0th Stake",
        "stakeUnitNo": 555555,
        "userHasStakeAdminRights": false,
        "userHasWardAdminRights": false,
        "userHasWardCalling": false,
        "usersHomeWard": true,
        "ward": true,
        "wardName": "Provo YSA 300th Ward",
        "wardUnitNo": 444444

Stakes in Area & Wards in Stake

Contains an array of stakes, but lacks the area meta data.

GET /directory/services/ludrs/unit/current-user-units/
        "district": false,
        "mission": false,
        "stake": true,
        "stakeName": "Provo Utah YSA 0th Stake",
        "stakeUnitNo": 555555,
        "userHasStakeAdminRights": false,
        "wards": [
              "areaUnitNo": 777777,
              "branch": false,
              "district": false,
              "mission": false,
              "newPhotoCount": -1,
              "stake": true,
              "stakeName": "Provo Utah YSA 0th Stake",
              "stakeUnitNo": 555555,
              "userHasStakeAdminRights": false,
              "userHasWardAdminRights": false,
              "userHasWardCalling": false,
              "usersHomeWard": true,
              "ward": true,
              "wardName": "Provo YSA 300th Ward",
              "wardUnitNo": 444444

The current-user-units will be a collection of wards and / or branches of the currently logged-in user.

Households in Ward

Individual wards contain the list of members

GET /directory/services/ludrs/mem/member-list/#{ward_unit_no}

WARNING BUG headOfHouseIndividualId and householdInfo.individualId refer to the LDS church member in the household if the household/family is of mixed faith (part-member family). It may refer to the spouse or even an other/child. headOfHouse and headOfHousehold are misnomers. They will sometimes refer to the non-member head or the spouse or a child.

Note The husband and wife may have distinct last names... so try to go with surname when making ad-hoc ids, even if it's the wrong last name for that person.

          "children": [],
          "coupleName": "Doe, John",
          "headOfHouse": {
            "directoryName": "Doe, John",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "individualId": 3333333333,
            "latinName": "Doe",
            "latinNameDifferent": false,
            "preferredName": "Doe, John",
            "surname": "Doe"
          "headOfHouseIndividualId": 3333333333,
          "householdName": "Doe",
          "isProfilePrivate": false,
          "spouse": {
            "directoryName": "",
            "gender": "",
            "individualId": -1,
            "latinName": "",
            "latinNameDifferent": true,
            "preferredName": "",
            "surname": ""

Family Photos in Ward

The photos and phone numbers are already available in the household resource.

I'm not sure if any of the phone number, photo, or household name are actually different, so this resource may be entirely unnecessary.

  • headOfHousehold.photoUrl (individual photo)
  • householdInfo.photoUrl (entire family photo)

The family phone number and family photo can be accessed like so

GET /directory/services/ludrs/mem/wardDirectory/photos/#{ward_unit_no}
          "householdId": 3333333333,
          "householdName": "Doe, John",
          "phoneNumber": "555-726-3117",
          "photoUrl": "/bcs/content?token=6zr5CJL5hQ7QdxHZZp8LG_aKQWafJ8x0V8gyTExIvoEZcCmlBICSabVO7rF7JIOR6y94HWsYKNCtilHK6fJTfwTT-mR0SV8_jKm7lRcobsfgpDnVHl3_EV1z3Ysnj30EZIHQ7EbIxXE6zzY-d_9x5W43mrnJJI-N%3dt_U1ZvJ4jZiRhx7S8KlE%3dXWMv0Vbv6i1ySrWhMTlqK6EQbhhqG0MsWNUtM4PsG%3d%3dvIlgKoLQFWgCHX5A9k_nix9iPPZezcE8BoobjcsJ2WTXlKF7WnC7hsu"

Note that in YSA wards the family phone number and family photo are often the individuals photo, but since there's de facto convention and either could be out of sync, try both.

Household & Members / Individuals in Household

The individual photo is headOfHousehold.photoUrl.

The family photo is householdInfo.photoUrl (and I can confirm it's different from the above).

The individual phone number is

The family phone number is (but I'm not sure if it's different).

GET /directory/services/ludrs/mem/householdProfile/#{head_of_house_individual_id}

WARNING BUG headOfHouseIndividualId and householdInfo.individualId refer to the LDS church member in the household if the household/family is of mixed faith (part-member family). It may refer to the spouse or even an other/child. headOfHouse and headOfHousehold are misnomers. They will sometimes refer to the non-member head or the spouse or a child.

Note The husband and wife may have distinct last names... so try to go with surname when making ad-hoc ids, even if it's the wrong last name for that person.

      "canViewMapLink": true,
      "hasEditRights": true,
      "headOfHousehold": {
        "address": null,
        "addressLevel": null,
        "birthDateLevel": "WARD",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "emailLevel": "STAKE",
        "imageId": "51963879243749023320-eng",
        "imageLevel": "STAKE",
        "individualId": 3333333333,
        "isAllPrivate": false,
        "mapLevel": null,
        "masterLevel": null,
        "name": "Doe, John",
        "phone": "555-726-3117",
        "phoneLevel": "STAKE",
        "photoUrl": "/bcs/content?token=uDglPJ4yUAOSRRcKZLwOSfCRPTmeIooHisTFIVpJj4YZcCmlBICSabVO7rF7JIOR6y94HWwYKNCti1HK6g7oigXS-np0SV8_jKm7lRcobsfgpDnVHl3_EV1z3Ysnj30EZIHQ7EbIxXE6zzY-d_9x5W43mrnJJI-N%3dt_U1ZvJ4jZiRhx7S8KlE%3dTYMwkVbf5n2SSrpfwUqJK6EQbhhqG0MsWNUtM4PsG%3d%3dvILfM9LClvgCHXOBdh6zRx2cyHZek1R7io4bjcsJ2WTXlKF7WnC7hsu"
      "householdInfo": {
        "address": {
          "addr1": "750 W 1700 N Apt 1",
          "addr2": "Provo, Utah 84604",
          "addr3": "",
          "addr4": "",
          "addr5": "",
          "city": "Provo",
          "countryCode": 251,
          "countryIsoAlphaCode": "USA",
          "district": "",
          "groupId": 1670219,
          "latitude": 40.2599249,
          "locallyVerifiedCode": "",
          "longitude": -111.6556598,
          "postal": "84604",
          "state": "Utah",
          "stateCode": 44,
          "streetAddr1": "750 W 1700 N Apt 1",
          "streetAddr2": ""
        "addressLevel": "STAKE",
        "birthDateLevel": null,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "emailLevel": "STAKE",
        "imageId": "72558875098790051910-eng",
        "imageLevel": "STAKE",
        "individualId": 3333333333,
        "isAllPrivate": false,
        "mapLevel": "STAKE",
        "masterLevel": "STAKE",
        "name": "Doe",
        "phone": "555-726-3117",
        "phoneLevel": "STAKE",
        "photoUrl": "/bcs/content?token=vTklO9Elgg2mSRgKPcAAHy%3dAR0dyIr0GVvkuT1S4jo5ZcCmlBICSabVO7rF7JIOR6y94HWwYKNCti1HK5BSohf_SCmh0SV8_jKm7lRcobsfgpDnVHl3_EV1z3Ysnj30EZIHQ7EbIxXE6zzY-d_9x5W43mrnJJI-N%3dt_U1ZvJ4jZiRhx7S8KlE%3dXWMv0Vbv6i1ySrWhMTlqK6EQbhhqG0MsWNUtM4PsG%3d%3dvIlgKoLQFWgCHX5A9k_nix9iPPZezcE8BoobjcsJ2WTXlKF7WnC7hsu"
      "id": 0,
      "inWard": true,
      "isEuMember": false,
      "otherHouseholdMembers": [],
      "spouse": null,
      "ward": {
        "areaUnitNo": 777777,
        "branch": false,
        "district": false,
        "mission": false,
        "stake": true,
        "stakeName": "Provo Utah YSA 0th Stake",
        "stakeUnitNo": 555555,
        "ward": true,
        "wardName": "Provo YSA 300th Ward",
        "wardUnitNo": 444444

Map of Household

You can build the urlLink yourself, so this resource may be entirely unnecessary.

GET /directory/services/ludrs/mem/map/#{head_of_house_individual_id}
      "urlLink": ""


There are no individual records accessible via the Directory. Only household and head of household.

Phone Numbers are only visible via the photos resource.

The only individual data is about the current user.

GET /directory/services/ludrs/mem/current-user-info/
{ "individualId": 999999999
, "newOption2User": false
GET /directory/services/ludrs/page/userLocale/

Changing your phone number (requires verification):



Changing your username / display name:


&userAccountInfo.displayName=J.T. Doe

Photo Upload

The flash uploader tool does some image manipulation on the file you upload and actually produces 3 separate files which are uploaded to the server.

Despite the name, the original version is not the true original. Although I was able to capture a HAR file of the upload, the jpeg binary got messed up in the utf-8 conversion and I wasn't able to decode it.

What I do know however is that when you upload the recommended 500x375 image (4:3), it is downsized to 200x150 (4:3) for family photos and perhaps 100x? for individual photos. I also know that uses a 40x40 thumbnail.

My guess is that compression is increased on the original size image, the image is scaled to whatever fits best in the bounds of 200x150 and then (intelligently?) cropped to 40x40 (or at least it seems to do a good job of getting the face).

POST /directory/services/ludrs/photo/upload/#{individual_id}/household/#{ward_unit_no}}/#{stake_unit_no}/#{area_unit_no}

name="file0"; filename="original_#{picname}.jpg"
name="file1"; filename="medium_#{picname}.jpg" 200x150 (height is exactly 150, width may be up to 150 or 200)
name="file2"; filename="thumbnail_#{picname}.jpg" 40x40 ()

Seen in the wild:

  • largeUri: 375x375 (14926 b), 226x375
  • mediumUri: 150x150 (4220 b), 90x150
  • thumbnailUri: 40x40 (1076 b), 24x40
  • originalUri: redirects to 404

The reason for listing the size is so that I can later estimate the jpeg compression used. The original 375x375 image was around 58kb, so the quality is obviously being lowered a bit, in addition to the resolution change. The size difference would suggest that the jpeg quality was reduced to something in the range of 15% to 20%.

Approved Photo

Let's you know whether or not the ward clerk has approved a photo uploaded by you (the logged in individual).

GET /mem/currentUserHasApprovedPhoto/
    { "good": true
    , "message": "true"

Ward Leadership

Note that the key instance probably refers to Provo wards where there's 2 Relief Societies. I'm not sure.

Positions (to be filled)

    "unitLeadership": [
            "groupKey": 1185,
            "groupName": "Other Callings",
            "instance": 1,
            "positions": [
                    "positionId": 0,
                    "positionName": "Ward Google Group Specialist"
    "wardLeadership": [
            "groupKey": 1185,
            "groupName": "Other Callings",
            "instance": 1,
            "positions": [
                    "positionId": 0,
                    "positionName": "Ward Google Group Specialist"

Positions (false) (probably useless)


Seems like supplying false just changes the name of wardLeadership to stakeLeadership, probably just a bugfix of a time long gone.

    "stakeLeadership": [
            "groupKey": 1185,
            "groupName": "Other Callings",
            "instance": 1,
            "positions": [
                    "positionId": 0,
                    "positionName": "Ward Google Group Specialist"
    "unitLeadership": [
            "groupKey": 1185,
            "groupName": "Other Callings",
            "instance": 1,
            "positions": [
                    "positionId": 0,
                    "positionName": "Ward Google Group Specialist"

Groups (the called and chosen)


Note: It's stake-leadership-group-detail, but it applies to wards.

    "leaders": [
            "callingName": "Stake President",
            "displayName": "John Doe",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "householdPhoneNumber": "555-222-7777",
            "individualId": 19670054124,
            "phoneNumber": "444-222-7777",
            "photoUri": "",
            "positionId": 1
    "unitName": "San Francisco California West Stake"

Stake Leadership

Positions (to be filled)

    "stakeLeadership": [
            "groupKey": 1186,
            "groupName": "Stake Presidency",
            "instance": 1,
            "positions": [
                    "positionId": 803,
                    "positionName": "Stake Assistant Clerk--Technology Specialist"
    "unitLeadership": [
            "groupKey": 1186,
            "groupName": "Stake Presidency",
            "instance": 1,
            "positions": [
                    "positionId": 803,
                    "positionName": "Stake Assistant Clerk--Technology Specialist"

Groups (of called individuals)

    "leaders": [
            "callingName": "Stake President",
            "displayName": "John Doe",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "householdPhoneNumber": "555-222-7777",
            "individualId": 19670054124,
            "phoneNumber": "444-222-7777",
            "photoUri": "",
            "positionId": 1
    "unitName": "San Francisco California West Stake"