Research Log - LDAforVisProject/LDA GitHub Wiki

Total Project Time: Charley (50), Matthias (50) Total Time Spent: Charley (49), Matthias (49) Total Time Left: Charley (1), Matthias (1)

Task Matthias Charley Results
Introduction meeting 2 2
Initial background research 5 5 found web and paper tutorials
Get familiar with LDA (conceptually) 7 7 we have a good conceptual and also a first technical grasp of the method
Get into technical specifics 5 5 more work done on the technical aspects of LDA including recapitulating some of the math needed
Kick-off meeting 2 2
Project plan (01/05) 2 2 set up a first draft of the project plan (offline, now included in this wiki)
Pick a python module for implementation (10/05) 0 2 we decided to use gensim
Start implementing (12/05) 4 6 Charley set up the first steps in python; Matthias added to it subsequently
Progress meeting 2 2
Organize wiki pages (16/05) 3 1 start to work on the wiki, create wiki pages and transcribe project plan and milestones
Extract data from the csv files (abstracts) (16/05) 1 2 there were problems with the 2013 dataset
Work on topic visualization (18/05) 3 1 the first n entries of topics can now be accessed and visualized as a list; consider more sophisticated visualization techniques in the future
Merged two different python files, wrote method to write output as CSV, preprocessing of abstract data (23/05) 0 3 see progress
Brought the keyvis-data files into comma separated list format (csv) and cleaned the files (20/06) 3 0
Multi-word keyword replacements (20/06) 0 3
Adding data from 1990-2014 and cleaning up code for Raphael. Re-wrote several methods (4/07) 0 2
Meeting Raphael (10/07) 1 1
Worked on Final Report (15/07) 0 1 Motivation Section finished
Worked on Final Report (19/07) 0 2 Finished Related Work, Approach, and Implementation sections
Worked on Final Report (24/07) 2 0 Worked on the project report
Worked on Final Report (25/07) 3 0 Changed the preprocessing to include keywords (see report); minor tweaks in the code and added comments
Worked on Final Report (27/07) 4 0 Put the report into LaTeX and provided additions/revisions of the existing section to near completion
Worked on Final Report (1/08) 1 0 Fixed a bud in the multi-word method
Total Time 49 49