Bioinformatics meetings - LCR-BCCRC/ GitHub Wiki

Steidl/Scott bioinformatics meetings occur biweekly on Mondays.

Meetings will rotate between different meeting topics, including but not limited to:

  • Knowledge Translation (share something new you've learned recently with the rest of the team)
  • Project Update (present results from a project you're working on that you'd like feedback on)
  • Journal Club (review a recent paper in the field you found interesting)
  • Guest Speaker (e.g. have a wet lab member share some of their expertise)


Meeting Date Meeting topic Main speaker
2021-01-25 discuss meeting style Stacy, all
2021-02-08 Immunology Q&A Tomo
2021-03-01 GSC space + cluster usage Stacy
2021-03-15 TBD TBD