Phenorob 2021 Setting Up - LCAS/bacchus_lcas GitHub Wiki

Setting up:

We'll be running a ready-to-go system in a docker container. It's best to install this on your own computer, if your computer is powerful enough. Containerisation with Docker means that you can run our Ubuntu+ROS system on any host operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) that docker supports. Please follow the instructions below to install docker and run our docker image. If, however, you have no suitable computer available to run docker and our software, we can offer you remote access on one of our machines. Please note that this is a fallback solution, your experience will be better if you install the software as described below.

1 - Install docker

The only requirement to launch our system is to have docker installed. On Linux, to do so follow the next 2 steps, on other platforms, check

curl -fsSL -o

sudo sh

To verify that Docker is installed correctly, run the hello-world image with:

sudo docker run hello-world

This command downloads a test image and runs it in a container. When the container runs, it prints an informational message and exits. The output of the last command would look something like this:


2 - Get our Docker image

Everything that is required to run our system including all dependencies is contained in our Docker image. In order to get it, run the following command: (~7GB free disk space required)

First, log into the L-CAS docker registry: docker login, use username lcas and password lincoln Then, to run the image execute the following command:

sudo docker pull

NOTE: If you are interested to get the source code in the future, please check:

3 - Run the Docker image and access the virtual desktop

First, log into the L-CAS docker registry: docker login, use username lcas and password lincoln Then, to run the image execute the following command:

sudo docker run --rm -p 6080:80 -e RESOLUTION=1920x1080

NOTE: to stop the running image container do Control+C in the terminal where the previous docker run command was executed. You may change the resolution to something that suits you. You may change the resolution to something that suits your setup better.

Then, to access the virtual desktop, go to a web browser and go to http://localhost:6080, you should see something like the image below.