Server endpoints - LB31/HikingForNerds GitHub Wiki


All tiles are currently located under /data/v3/<z:float>/<x:float>/<y:float>.pbf



Open elevation API


To get more than one elevation data per request see open-elevation api docs.

Offline map API

Requesting offline file


or optional with default min_zoom=0 and max_zoom=14


Respone (json)

  "east": float,
  "file_size": str,
  "id": str, //uuid
  "max_zoom": int,
  "min_zoom": int,
  "north": float,
  "south": float,
  "west": float

⚠️ Note: This request takes some time to process.

Download offline file

Requests the file via content-type: application/octet-stream.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️