App flow - LB31/HikingForNerds GitHub Wiki


The app should consists out of three parts. These parts are Plan, Route and Settings. On the first app launch the user starts in the Plan segment. After an route was successfully planned, the app launches on every restart on the Route segment with the last planned route, except when the route has been completed then the app lauches again in the plan segment.


The Setup segment consists out of the four following parts: Location Selection, Route Preferences, Route List, Route Preview, where it is still debatable if Route Selection is needed. The Plan segment can be accessed through the bottom bar.

Location Selection

After the splash screen the Plan - Main part of the app is shown which guides the user to plan a new route. When the user set his starting point by pressing the GO button he is redirected to Route Preferences. images/start.png

Route Preferences

Inside the Route Preferences the user has to select different route specific options like:

  • Route length (time or distance)
  • Points of interests (categories)
  • Difference in altitude
  • more are possible

After finishing his selection the route calculations starts by pressing the go button. The user is then redirected to Route Selection. images/route-preferences.png

Route List

The route selection shows the user the before defined route preferences and below them a list of n possible routes to choose from. Each elements consists of an preview from one of the before calculated routes.

When the user picks one of the route he gets again redirected to the Route preview page. images/route-selection.png

Route Preview

On this page the user has the oportunity to look at each route individually.

After pressing the GO button the route is set and the user gets redirected to the Route segment. images/route-preview.jpg


This segment is responsible for displaying the currently active route and making the user a history of all his previous routes available. The Route segment can be accessed through the bottom bar.


The main page of route is also the main page of the application on which the user will probably spend most of it's time. After planning the user can now navigate himself along the route. Also options like altitude charts and additional information to poi's are avaiable here.

:warning: Change happend here. This button should be displayed on the Plan page. When selecting the history button the user will be redirected to the Route - Routes page. images/route.jpg


The History page logs all previous and currently active routes for the user to investigate. The same list item view form "Plan - Route Selection" can be recycled here. Additionally there are features like downloading an app and date information. images/route-history.jpg


Contains information for the user like stored offline data, clear history and additional help instructions for using the app.

The Settings segment can be accessed through the bottom bar. images/settings.jpg