Release notes for Iteration 4 - L6mps/LasaLaraAP GitHub Wiki

Release notes for iteration 4 are as follows:

  • A lot of code refactoring has been done both in front-end and back-end

  • Multiple bugs have been fixed (e.g. app crashing when the end of the chapter is reached, app crashing when changing screen orientation, faulty progress bar calculation)

  • Numerous minor features have been implemented: chapter progress can now be reset, downloaded books can be updated, books can be deleted from the local database

  • User receives more specific feedback: chapter count when downloading a new book, error message when typing the wrong e-mail address, notification when finishing a chapter, information about book updates

  • "Add Book" screen has an updated layout and other tweaks

  • "Question" screen now includes a feedback system

  • "Propose Question" screen has been implemented

  • "Page view" can now be turned on and off

  • Several tweaks have been made to UI design, such as different coloring decisions and element paddings

  • Preferred Android app install location is set to external storage

  • The target APK has been updated

  • The project wiki has been updated. New pages are: Meeting Schedule, Build Process, Verification of non-functional requirements, Peer Review Response.

  • Project requirements have been refined.