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local current_nsid = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("LuaSnipChoiceListSelections")
local current_win = nil

local function window_for_choiceNode(choiceNode)
    local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
    local buf_text = {}
    local row_selection = 0
    local row_offset = 0
    local text
    for _, node in ipairs(choiceNode.choices) do
        text = node:get_docstring()
        -- find one that is currently showing
        if node == choiceNode.active_choice then
            -- current line is starter from buffer list which is length usually
            row_selection = #buf_text
            -- finding how many lines total within a choice selection
            row_offset = #text
        vim.list_extend(buf_text, text)

    vim.api.nvim_buf_set_text(buf, 0,0,0,0, buf_text)
    local w, h = vim.lsp.util._make_floating_popup_size(buf_text)

    -- adding highlight so we can see which one is been selected.
    local extmark = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf,current_nsid,row_selection ,0,
        {hl_group = 'incsearch',end_line = row_selection + row_offset})

    -- shows window at a beginning of choiceNode.
    local win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, false, {
        relative = "win", width = w, height = h, bufpos = choiceNode.mark:pos_begin_end(), style = "minimal", border = 'rounded'})

    -- return with 3 main important so we can use them again
    return {win_id = win,extmark = extmark,buf = buf}

function choice_popup(choiceNode)
	-- build stack for nested choiceNodes.
	if current_win then
		vim.api.nvim_win_close(current_win.win_id, true)
        local create_win = window_for_choiceNode(choiceNode)
	current_win = {
		win_id = create_win.win_id,
		prev = current_win,
		node = choiceNode,
                extmark = create_win.extmark,
                buf = create_win.buf

function update_choice_popup(choiceNode)
    vim.api.nvim_win_close(current_win.win_id, true)
    local create_win = window_for_choiceNode(choiceNode)
    current_win.win_id = create_win.win_id
    current_win.extmark = create_win.extmark
    current_win.buf = create_win.buf

function choice_popup_close()
	vim.api.nvim_win_close(current_win.win_id, true)
        -- now we are checking if we still have previous choice we were in after exit nested choice
	current_win = current_win.prev
	if current_win then
		-- reopen window further down in the stack.
                local create_win = window_for_choiceNode(current_win.node)
                current_win.win_id = create_win.win_id
                current_win.extmark = create_win.extmark
                current_win.buf = create_win.buf

augroup choice_popup
au User LuasnipChoiceNodeEnter lua choice_popup(require("luasnip").session.event_node)
au User LuasnipChoiceNodeLeave lua choice_popup_close()
au User LuasnipChangeChoice lua update_choice_popup(require("luasnip").session.event_node)
augroup END

This makes use of the nodeEnter/Leave/ChangeChoice events to show available choices. A similar effect can also be achieved by overriding the vim.ui.select-menu and binding select_choice to a key.

Improve Language Server-Snippets

This can be useful if a language server returns snippets that suffer from the limitations of lsp-snippets. In this particular case clangds snippets for member initializatizer lists always look like this: m_SomeMember(${0:m_SomeMembersType}). This is suboptimal in some ways, mainly that

  • Only normal parenthesis are possible, whereas curly braces may be preferred.
  • Luasnip treats the $0-placeholder as a one-time-stop, meaning that once SELECT is exited, there's no way to change it.

To fix this, we need to

  1. intercept and change the snippet received via LSP.
  2. override the expansion-function (here in nvim-cmp) to use our new snippet, if available.

We override the client.request-function so all responses from LSP go through our function. There we override the handler for "textDocument/completion" to modify the TextEdit returned by the language server. ("Inspired" by this comment).

local ls = require("luasnip")
local s = ls.snippet
local r = ls.restore_node
local i = ls.insert_node
local t = ls.text_node
local c = ls.choice_node

lspsnips = {}

	on_attach = function(client)
		local orig_rpc_request = client.rpc.request
		function client.rpc.request(method, params, handler, ...)
			local orig_handler = handler
			if method == 'textDocument/completion' then
				-- Idiotic take on <https://github.com/fannheyward/coc-pyright/blob/6a091180a076ec80b23d5fc46e4bc27d4e6b59fb/src/index.ts#L90-L107>.
				handler = function(...)
					local err, result = ...
					if not err and result then
						local items = result.items or result
						for _, item in ipairs(items) do
							-- override snippets for kind `field`, matching the snippets for member initializer lists.
							if item.kind == vim.lsp.protocol.CompletionItemKind.Field and
								item.textEdit.newText:match("^[%w_]+%(${%d+:[%w_]+}%)$") then

								local snip_text = item.textEdit.newText
								local name = snip_text:match("^[%w_]+")
								local type = snip_text:match("%{%d+:([%w_]+)%}")
								-- the snippet is stored in a separate table. It is not stored in the `item` passed to
								-- cmp, because it will be copied there and cmps [copy](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/blob/ac476e05df2aab9f64cdd70b6eca0300785bb35d/lua/cmp/utils/misc.lua#L125-L143) doesn't account
								-- for self-referential tables and metatables (rightfully so, a response from lsp
								-- would contain neither), both of which are vital for a snippet.
								lspsnips[snip_text] = s("", {
									c(1, {
										-- use a restoreNode to remember the text typed here.
										{t"(", r(1, "type", i(1, type)), t")"},
										{t"{", r(1, "type"), t"}"},
									}, {restore_cursor = true})
					return orig_handler(...)
			return orig_rpc_request(method, params, handler, ...)

The last missing piece is changing the "default" snippet-expansion-function in cmp to account for our snippet:

cmp.setup {
	snippet = {
		expand = function(args)
			-- check if we created a snippet for this lsp-snippet.
			if lspsnips[args.body] then
				-- use `snip_expand` to expand the snippet at the cursor position.

et voilà: output

DynamicNode with user input

Normally, dynamicNodes can only update when text inside the snippet changed. This is pretty powerful, but not enough for eg. a latex-table-snippet, where the number of rows should be adjustable on-the-fly (otherwise a regex-triggered snippet with trig=tab(%d+)x(%d+) would suffice).
This isn't possible OOTB, so we need to write a function that

  1. Runs some other function whose output will be used in the dynamicNode-function.
  2. Updates the dynamicNode.

and then call that function using a mapping (optional, but much more comfortable than calling it manually).

local ls = require("luasnip")
local util = require("luasnip.util.util")
local node_util = require("luasnip.nodes.util")

local function find_dynamic_node(node)
	-- the dynamicNode-key is set on snippets generated by a dynamicNode only (its'
	-- actual use is to refer to the dynamicNode that generated the snippet).
	while not node.dynamicNode do
		node = node.parent
	return node.dynamicNode

local external_update_id = 0
-- func_indx to update the dynamicNode with different functions.
function dynamic_node_external_update(func_indx)
	-- most of this function is about restoring the cursor to the correct
	-- position+mode, the important part are the few lines from
	-- `dynamic_node.snip:store()`.

	-- find current node and the innermost dynamicNode it is inside.
	local current_node = ls.session.current_nodes[vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()]
	local dynamic_node = find_dynamic_node(current_node)

	-- to identify current node in new snippet, if it is available.
	external_update_id = external_update_id + 1
	current_node.external_update_id = external_update_id
	local current_node_key = current_node.key

	-- store which mode we're in to restore later.
	local insert_pre_call = vim.fn.mode() == "i"
	-- is byte-indexed! Doesn't matter here, but important to be aware of.
	local cursor_pos_end_relative = util.pos_sub(

	-- leave current generated snippet.
	node_util.leave_nodes_between(dynamic_node.snip, current_node)

	-- call update-function.
	local func = dynamic_node.user_args[func_indx]
	if func then
		-- the same snippet passed to the dynamicNode-function. Any output from func
		-- should be stored in it under some unused key.

	-- last_args is used to store the last args that were used to generate the
	-- snippet. If this function is called, these will most probably not have
	-- changed, so they are set to nil, which will force an update.
	dynamic_node.last_args = nil

	-- everything below here isn't strictly necessary, but it's pretty nice to have.

    -- try to find the node we marked earlier, or a node with the same key.
    -- Both are getting equal priority here, it might make sense to give "exact
    -- same node" higher priority by doing two searches (but that would require
    -- two searches :( )
	local target_node = dynamic_node:find_node(function(test_node)
		return (test_node.external_update_id == external_update_id) or (current_node_key ~= nil and test_node.key == current_node_key)

	if target_node then
		-- the node that the cursor was in when changeChoice was called exists
		-- in the active choice! Enter it and all nodes between it and this choiceNode,
		-- then set the cursor.
		node_util.enter_nodes_between(dynamic_node, target_node)

		if insert_pre_call then
			-- restore cursor-position if the node, or a corresponding node,
			-- could be found.
			-- It is restored relative to the end of the node (as opposed to the
			-- beginning). This does not matter if the text in the node is
			-- unchanged, but if the length changed, we may move the cursor
			-- relative to its immediate neighboring characters.
			-- I assume that it is more likely that the text before the cursor
			-- got longer (since it is very likely that the cursor is just at
			-- the end of the node), and thus restoring relative to the
			-- beginning would shift the cursor back.
			-- However, restoring to any fixed endpoint is likely to not be
			-- perfect, an interesting enhancement would be to compare the new
			-- and old text/[neighborhood of the cursor], and find its new position
			-- based on that.
		-- set the new current node correctly.
		ls.session.current_nodes[vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()] = target_node
		-- the marked node wasn't found, just jump into the new snippet noremally.
		ls.session.current_nodes[vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()] = dynamic_node.snip:jump_into(1)

Bind the function to some key:

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('i', "<C-t>", '<cmd>lua _G.dynamic_node_external_update(1)<Cr>', {noremap = true})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('s', "<C-t>", '<cmd>lua _G.dynamic_node_external_update(1)<Cr>', {noremap = true})

vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('i', "<C-g>", '<cmd>lua _G.dynamic_node_external_update(2)<Cr>', {noremap = true})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('s', "<C-g>", '<cmd>lua _G.dynamic_node_external_update(2)<Cr>', {noremap = true})

It may be useful to bind even more numbers (3-???????), but two suffice for this example.

Now it's time to make use of the new function:

local function column_count_from_string(descr)
	-- this won't work for all cases, but it's simple to improve
	-- (feel free to do so! :D )
	return #(descr:gsub("[^clm]", ""))

-- function for the dynamicNode.
local tab = function(args, snip)
	local cols = column_count_from_string(args[1][1])
	-- snip.rows will not be set by default, so handle that case.
	-- it's also the value set by the functions called from dynamic_node_external_update().
	if not snip.rows then
		snip.rows = 1
	local nodes = {}
	-- keep track of which insert-index we're at.
	local ins_indx = 1
	for j = 1, snip.rows do
		-- use restoreNode to not lose content when updating.
		table.insert(nodes, r(ins_indx, tostring(j).."x1", i(1)))
		ins_indx = ins_indx+1
		for k = 2, cols do
			table.insert(nodes, t" & ")
			table.insert(nodes, r(ins_indx, tostring(j).."x"..tostring(k), i(1)))
			ins_indx = ins_indx+1
		table.insert(nodes, t{"\\\\", ""})
	-- fix last node.
	nodes[#nodes] = t""
	return sn(nil, nodes)

s("tab", fmt([[
]], {i(1, "c"), d(2, tab, {1}, {
	user_args = {
		-- Pass the functions used to manually update the dynamicNode as user args.
		-- The n-th of these functions will be called by dynamic_node_external_update(n).
		-- These functions are pretty simple, there's probably some cool stuff one could do
		-- with `ui.input`
		function(snip) snip.rows = snip.rows + 1 end,
		-- don't drop below one.
		function(snip) snip.rows = math.max(snip.rows - 1, 1) end
} )}))

<C-t>, now calls the first function, increasing the number of rows, whereas <C-g> calls the second function, decreasing it.

And here's the result:

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