7.Motor Sizing And Battery Sizing - L-division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-06 GitHub Wiki

1.Motor Sizing

We will be using totally 18 Servos for 6 legs, each having 3 Servos.

T = M x A x D /2


T= Torque

M= Mass

A= Acceleration

D= Diameter


Weight of parts

  • Servo motors 18 x 9g = 162g
  • Dimensions of single leg part= 5 x 0.7 x 2 = 8.68 mm^3
    Therefore volume of one leg = 8.68 * 3 = 26.04 mm^3
    mass of each leg = density x volume
    = 1.24 * 26.04 = 32.28 g
  • Total weight of all legs = 6 * 32.28 = 193.68 g
  • weight of Arduino mega 2560 = 36 g
  • volume of casing = 15 x 5 x 6 = 450 mm^3
    The thickness of all sides of casing is 3 mm, so calculating volume 14.7 x 4.7 x 5.7 = 393.813 mm^3
    Total volume of casing = 450 - 393.813 = 56.187
    Mass of casing = 56.187 * 1.24 = 69.67 g
  • weight of Ultrasonic sensor and LDR sensor = 10 + 15 = 25g
  • Weight of wires = 5 g
  • Total mass = 491.35 g
  • F = m*g = 491.35 * 9.8
    = 0.4815
  • Torque = F * r
    = 0.4815 * 1.2
    = 0.5778 Ncm
    = 0.5778 * FOS
    = 0.5778 * 1.5
    = 0.8667 kg-cm
  • Hence We have selected servo SG90 as it has max torque between 1.2-1.6 kg-cm, which is servo motor with minimum specification available in servo motors.

2.Adapter Sizing


As we are using 18 servo motors, each servo has a stall current rating of 650mA.

  • Number of servo motors active at a given time = 4

  • Therefore current requirement = 4*650 = 2.6A

  • Operating voltage of Servo motors = 5V

  • Operating voltage of Arduino mega = 5-12V

  • Maximum current consumption of Arduino = 400mA

  • Total current consumption = 2.6A + 0.4A = 3A

  • The required adaptor specifications is 5V, 3A
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