3.Problem Definition - L-division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-06 GitHub Wiki

Need statement

City robotics park has a section of biomimicking bot, where they need to setup bots that are bio inspired and feature crawling,walking,flying,swimming etc

3.1 Question and answer

Sl.No Question Answer Objective/Function/Constraint
1 Which type of biomimicking bot do you want?Crawling,walking,flying etc I want it to walk. Function
2 What materials should be used for the chassis of the bot? Any light weight materials Objective
3 Should it work on battery or wired supply? both Objective
4 Should it sense obstacles? Yes it should Function
5 On what type of surface it should walk? Leveled surface Objective
6 Should the battery be rechargeable? Yes Objective
7 Should the bot be portable or fixed? Portable Objective
8 Should it have power button? Yes Objective
9 What should be the dimensions of the bot? Within 30x25x30cm Constraint
10 What should be the weight of bot? Less than 500g Constraint
11 What should be its speed of walking? 1 step per second Constraint
12 What is the battery backup you need? Around 30 minutes Constraint
13 How should it change its speed? Randomly Objective
14 What should it mimick? spider Objective
15 What movements should it do? Stand up, Sit down functions
16 Should it work on its own without any human control when turned on? Yes Function
17 What should be maintenance period? 3 months Constraint
18 what is your budget? 4000 constraint

3.2 Basic Survey And Requirements

sl no. Observations from surveys Requirements
1 Weight of Machine It should be light weight and portable.
2 Cost Machine should built with minimum budget
3 Materials to be used Materials used should be of light weight
4 Operation Should operate fine for at least 30 minutes

3.3 Identifying Client's Objectives

sl no. Questions Answers
1 What materials should be used for the chassis of the bot? Any light weight materials
2 Should it work on battery or wired supply? Both
3 On what type of surface it should walk? Leveled surface
4 Should the bot be portable or fixed? Portable
5 Should it have power button? Yes
6 How should it change its speed? Randomly
7 Should the battery be rechargeable? Yes
8 What should it mimick? spider

Problem Definition Version 1.1

A portable biomimicking bot which mimic a spider, should be designed which can be recharged through battery as well as take power from wired supply, and should be made of any light weight materials. The device should be controlled through a switch. The bot should walk with random speed and it should be able to walk easily on a levelled surface.

3.4 Identify Constraints

sl no. Questions Answers
1 What should be the dimensions of the bot? Within 30x25x30cm
2 What should be the weight of bot? Less than 1.8kg
3 What should be its speed of walking? 1 step per second
4 What is the battery backup you need? Around 30 minutes
5 What should be maintenance period? 3 months
6 what is your budget? 4000

Problem Definition Version 1.2

The bot dimensions should not exceed the limit of 30x25x30 cm. The weight of the bot should be within 1.8kg and the speed of the bot should be in the order of 1 step per second. The battery installed should be able to work at least for 30 minutes. Lastly the maintenance period of the bot should 3 months.

3.5 Establish Functions

sl no. Questions Answers
1 Which type of biomimicking bot do you want?Crawling,walking,flying etc I want it to walk.
2 Should it sense obstacles? Yes it should
3 What movements should it do? Stand up, Sit down
4 Should it work on its own without any human control when turned on? Yes

Problem Definition Version 1.3

The main function of the biomimicking bot should be to walk along with which it should be able to sense the obstacles and do some random movements like turning left and right and moving forward and backward. The bot should be able to work on its own once it is switched on without human support.

Final Problem Definition

Designing a portable biomimicking bot which should be rechargeable with battery as well as take power from wired supply,the device should have power button and should be able to change its speed accordingly.The bot should be designed in the range of 30x25x30 cm and weight should not exceed 1.8kg ,the walking speed should be 1 step per second,at once it should operate for 30 minutes,should be serviced regularly every 3 months and the expenditure should not exceed rupees 4000.It should perform walking,sensing the obstacles ,changing direction when obstacle is sensed and do movements accordingly.

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