1.Introduction - L-division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-06 GitHub Wiki

Team Information

Team No: 6

SI.NO Student Name Student USN Roll No. E-mail id Contact No.
1 Shreyas Dabade 01fe21bcs187 1203 [email protected] 7483993561
2 Shriharsha Holagannavar 01fe21bcs191 1207 [email protected] 6363316058
3 Punit Mudishennavar 01fe21bee039 1245 [email protected] 7892009866
4 Sampada Ron 01fe21bee042 1248 [email protected] 9019946606


1.What is biomimicking or biomimicry?

Biomimicry is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies found in nature to solve human design challenges—and find hope. Biomimicry is about valuing nature for what we can learn, not what we can extract, harvest, or domesticate. In the process, we learn about ourselves, our purpose, and our connection to each other and our home on earth.
Biomimicry offers an empathetic, interconnected understanding of how life works and ultimately where we fit in. It is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies used by species alive today. After billions years of research and development, failures are fossils, and what remains hold the secret to our survival. The goal is to create products, processes, and systems—new ways of living—that solve our greatest design challenges sustainably and in solidarity with all life on earth.

How biomimicry helps us?

Biomimicry helps in the following ways
1.Biomimicry brings relief.
We’re stressed. Our planet is stressed. Many are losing hope for solving the climate crisis and its many negative effects on ecosystems across the world. Biomimicry gives us hope, because we know the solutions are here, accessible, and validated by the many species contributing to their ecosystems today. By using nature as our mentor, we experience the powerful healing effects it has by connecting to the natural world—while also finding empowering relief to solve these challenges together.
2.Biomimicry helps us design generously.
Circularity, sustainability, regenerative design—it all means that the things we humans make become a force for restoring air, water, and soil instead of degrading it. Nature uses structure to change functions and also uses passive forms of energy, whereas our inventions have typically use brute force, like mining ancient carbon and a multitude of harmful chemicals. We can create conditions conducive to life, just like nature does.
3.Biomimicry gets us to sustainable solutions, faster.
Our R&D cycles are slow, and climate change won’t wait—we must look to the biological blueprints that have been successful over millennia to launch groundbreaking ideas, faster. We don’t need to reinvent the strategies that are already here. We just need to learn how to adapt them.

Biomimicking bots.

Biomimicking bots are the robots that are inspired by the nature and mimic the movements or events that can be seen taking place in nature by any organisms.These bots try to copy the actions of organisms.


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