4.0 Concept selection and Product Architecture - L-division-2020-2021-odd/Repo-04 GitHub Wiki

Objectives Weights
user friendly 7
portable 3
aesthetics 5
location 2
cost 3

PUGH Chart

Design Objectives Weights design 1 design2 design 3 design4
user friendly 7 datum (++) (++) (++)
portable 3 datum (+) (+) (+)
aesthetics 5 datum (+) (++) (+)
location 2 datum (+) (+) (+)
cost 3 datum (+) (+) 0
Score(+) 0 27 32 24
Score (-) 0 0 0
Total 0 27 32 24

Justification for the scores given

Design No. Objective Score Allocated Justification for the Score
1 user friendly 0 easy to use as there is no complication in playing it
portable 0 easily portable
aesthetics 0 elegant arts
location 0 can be placed at spacious place
cost 0 pocket friendly
2 user friendly (++) very easy to handle
portable (+) as the instruments are not having complicated structures so they easily portable
aesthetics (-) no much arts on it
location (+) can be placed at spacious place
cost (+) costs more compared to design 1
3 user friendly (++) easy to manage and attractive
portable (+) easily portable compared to design1
aesthetics (++) more attractive
location (+) can be placed in spacious place
cost (+) it is cost effective
4 user friendly (++) easy to handle
portable (+) easily portable
aesthetics (+) looks elegant
location (+) can be placed in spacious place
cost (-) complicated instruments so costs quite more

Subsystem List

subsystem 1
turn on
turn off
start music
stop music
start mimicing
stop mimicing
play music
start music
stop music
puppet mimicing
mimic playing guitar
mimic playing drum
mimic playing violin
SL. No. Subsystem
1 accepting user commands
2 playing music
3 mimic playing instrument

Interaction Details

Subsystem 1 Subsystem 2 Subsystem 3
Spatial yes -
Data yes yes
Material yes -
Subsystem 2 Subsystem 1 Subsystem 3
Spatial - yes
Data yes yes
Material - yes
Subsystem 3 Subsystem 1 Subsystem 2
spatial - -
Data yes yes
Material - yes