3.0 Morphological Chart And Conceptual Design - L-division-2020-2021-odd/Repo-02 GitHub Wiki

3.1 Establishing Functions

Table 1: List of all identified functions

S.no Functions from User Perspective Functions from Designer perspective
1 Accept Response from User Accept response
Hold ring
Fix ring
Pass instruction to the model
Start the model
2 Rotation of the ring Maintain constant speed
Spin ring
3 Vary speed Select the speed
Accept the response
Speeding up
Expand ring
Slow down the speed
Collapse ring
4 Stop Turn off the device

3.2 Function Tree

FUNCTION TREE - Word 06-06-2021 08_54_51 (2)

3.3 Establishing Means –Morphological Chart

S.no Sub functions Means 1 Means 2 Means 3 Means 4
1 Accept Response 1 Switch Touch sensor Infrared sensor Remote
2 Hold ring Vertical stand Shaft Circular Stand Horizontal Stand
3 Fix ring Connector Pinned connection Nuts And Bolts
4 Pass Instruction to the model Programmable controller Bluetooth Sensor Mobile App Arduino
5 Speed Variation Arduino Induction Motor Linear Motor BLDC motor
6 Speed Rotation DC shunt Motor Servo motor DC series Motor Stepper Motor
7 Turn Off the Device Buzzer Touch Sensor Infrared Sensor Remote

3.4 Conceptual Design

DESIGN 1:Flower Using Circular Stand

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-06 at 10 31 39 PM

DESIGN 2:Flower Using Horizontal Stand

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-06 at 10 08 24 PM

DESIGN 3:Sphere

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DESIGN 4:Circle

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-07 at 9 12 34 AM