(h) FUNCTION SPECIFICATIONS - L-division-2019-2020-Even/Repo-16 GitHub Wiki


1 Indicate process initiation and completion LED on the breadboard glows and indicates if the process is ON or OFF
2 Machine On/Off indication LED glow
3 Storage facility for seeds There is a cup like arrangement in the bot for the storage of seeds
4 Release the seeds one after the other The sowing mechanism provides a small diametrical area for the seeds to escape, so that only one seed escapes at a time
5 Release one seed at a time Due to small area for the seeds to escape only one seed escapes at a time
6 Dig the hole for the seed to be sown A digging tool is provided in the bot to dig the soil
7 Level the soil after the seed is sown A leveler is provided in the bot to level the soil after the seed is sown
8 Move forward and backward at regulated speed Speed of the bot is being controlled using motor of standard r.p.m
9 Control the movement of the machine The bot is controlled by a bluetooth mechanism
10 Sense and indicate the obstacles the machine comes through IR sensors are provided in the bot to sense the obstacles
11 Machine should be able to change the direction The bot can change the direction because of the reverse action of motors
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