4. Virtual Implementation - L-division-2019-2020-Even/Repo-04 GitHub Wiki

Sub Systems

1) Remote lighting:

3D Model of the subsystem:

Flow chart:

Circuit diagram:

Bill of materials:

Sl no Part name Material with which the part is made up of Specifications of the part Quantity required Fabrication if needed
1. Micro controller Arduino mega AT2560 1 -
2. Base Foam sheet 300x300x30 mm 3 cutting
3. cylindrical support Cardboard 300x28mm 1 Cutting
4. Serial lights LEDs - 1 -
5. GSM Nokia phone 1110i 1 -

2)Musical instruments:

3D Model of the subsystem:

Flow chart:

Circuit diagram:

Bill of materials:

Sl no Part name Material with which the part is made up of Specifications of the part Quantity required Fabrication if needed
1. Micro controller Arduino mega AT 2560 1 -
2. Laser housing Foam sheet 150x150x25 mm 1 cutting
3. Bluetooth module HC-05 BC417 1143BGO K210DJ 1 -
4. Laser Laser diode 5V,650 nm 8 -
5. Support legs Wood - 4 cutting
6. LDR Cadmium sulfide Photo conductive cell 8 -

3)Auto popper:

3D Model of the subsystem:

Flow chart:

Circuit diagram:

Bill of materials:

Sl no Part name Material with which the part is made up of Specifications of the part Quantity required Fabrication if needed
1. Micro controller Arduino mega AT2560 1 -
2. Popper paper rolls/cardboard cylinder 65 mm diameter 2 cutting
3. Support legs Wood - 4 cutting

Final 3d Model