20210204_2 - L-Yunji/ABC GitHub Wiki
The 6th meeting
- Date : 02.04 PM 09:00
- Participants: All
- Channel : zoom
- Reinforce business model detail.
- App planning modification.
- Modify app UIUX.
Sharing team introduction video reference.
Lee Yun Ji: team introduction video reference-LYJ 1 team introduction video reference-LYJ 2 team introduction video reference-LYJ 3
Han Jeung Eun: team introduction video reference-HJE 1 team introduction video reference-HJE 2 team introduction video reference-HJE 3
Things to do
- Create wiki
- Video production (Team introduction, Team activity content)
- Create read me
- Engineering
- Business Model Configuration
- PPT Production (Draft->Translation->Design, approximately 20 sheets)
- Idea Interview
- Create UIUX
- Make presentation script
Future Schedule
Date | Things to do |
~0207 | Complete video contents and the UIUX draft and talk to the Engineering team |
~0210 | Filming |
~0214 | Engineering draft completed, team introduction video submit |
~0215 | Completing the interview, API connection |
~0216 | Complete and hand over PPT draft, write wiki & readme, and connect API |
~0217 | Start Writing Presentation |
~0219 | Hand over the translated PPT |
~0221 | Rehearsal |
0221 | Submit team presentations and engineering process videos |