Features - Kyzderp/StaffDerpsMod GitHub Wiki

The various completely inter-unrelated features of Staff Derps :D (hence the mod name)

##WE Compass## This is basically a copy of the World Edit compass that utilizes /tppos instead. The WorldEdit /jump and /thru commands are by default bound to the left and right click of the compass item respectively. Here, I have them default to buttons 4 and 5 on the mouse, but if your mouse doesn't have the buttons, the controls are easily changed through Options > Controls. The maximum TP distance is 64 blocks (4 chunks), whether passing through or jumping to blocks.

##See Through Invisibility## #####/sd invis <on|off>##### If enabled, this displays a list of players (excluding self) in the top left corner, showing players that have the invisibility potion effect, as well as the distance they are from you. It looks for any players within a 64x64x64 cube around you, and if they're invisible, will list them there in order of closest to furthest. It will also display a red box around the player where their hitbox is.

##Find Pet Owners## #####/sd pet <on|off>##### If enabled, this displays two lists in the top left corner: one for dogs and one for cats. These will show any dog and cat names that are within a 4x4x4 area centered on your player. This is more of a check to make sure there is actually a pet in range that you can get the owner name of. #####/sd pet copy##### Running this command copies to your clipboard the owner's name of one of the pets in the range described above. Currently there is no way of notifying which one it came from if there are multiple pets, so try to get only one inside the region and then run the command. The resulting owner name will be a UUID, just search player files.

##Teleport to Chunk Coordinates## #####/sd chunk <x> <z> or /sd c <x> <z>##### This allows for easier teleporting to chunk coordinates without having to grab a calculator or manually type in the numbers. All you need is the x and z chunk coordinates somewhere in the string, so you could run "/sd chunk Kyzeragon did conquer Mecha -16 7 for Shockerz fro" and it would TP you to -256 100 112 automatically. Just copy + paste.

##Mob Cannon## First, bind it to a hotkey in Options > Controls > Summon Mob. Pressing this key will by default shoot out a pig with "velocity" of 2 in the direction you're facing.

You can change this velocity by doing /sd scalar <number>. It takes numbers up to 9.

You can also change the entity and its data, granted the entire command that will be run is under 80 characters: /sd summon Sheep ~ ~1 ~ {Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:1}]} This will set it so whenever you press the hotkey it will launch a sheep with only 1 health.