Commands - Kyzderp/StaffDerpsMod GitHub Wiki

Arguments surrounded by <> are required; arguments surrounded by [] are optional.

/sd can be replaced with /staffderps

  • /sd - The base command that displays version info and the help command.
  • /sd invis <on|off> - This turns on or off the ability to "see" players with the invisibility potion effect.
  • /sd pet <on|off|copy> - "on/off" turns on/off the pet display in the upper left corner. "copy" copies the owner's name (could be a UUID!) of one of the in-range pets to your clipboard.
  • /sd mecha <x> <z> - Teleports you to the chunk coordinates at y=100.
  • /sd grab <preset|items> - Quickly grabs specified items from a container when pressing TAB.
  • /sd help - Displays the various command in-game.