Stims - Kyle873/DoomRPG GitHub Wiki
Stims are portable injected temporary stat increases. There are two forms of Stim vials that can be encountered through Doom RPG: Stat vials, and Powerup vials.
Injectors are what are used to actually store the compounds for usage. Injectors can be found both in the world and by killing white aura enemies. There are 4 different injector sizes, which hold varying amounts of compounds
- Small will hold 10 compounds.
- Medium will hold 25 compounds.
- Large will hold 50 compounds.
- XL will hold 100 compounds.
Vials are the items you pickup which contain the different kinds of compounds. Vials can be found by killing enemies which have auras or elsewhere in the world.
Stat Stims
Stat stims are vials that increase the various Stats. In addition to the 8 vials for each of the Stats, which increase their respective stats by 5 points each, there are also two other vials that affect how stat increases are handled.
The Potency vial increases any other Stat vials present in the Stim by 1. So if 1 Agility, 1 Luck, and 8 Potency vials are placed into a small Stim, it will have the same effect as 9 Agility vials, 9 Luck vials, which would increase both stats by 45 points each. This does not affect Purifier vials.
The Purifier vial increases the duration of the Stat Stim by 10 seconds, from the default 30. Putting in 10 Purifier vials for example will increase the timer by 100, for a total of 130 seconds.
Powerup Stims
Powerup stims are vials that give various special powers for a limited duration. Unlike the Stat stims, they are unaffected by the Potency or Purifier vials, and their time is affected solely by the amount of vials put into the Stim, at 10 seconds per vial.
- Indestructible vials will make you ignore all forms of damage.
- Shadow vials will make it difficult for enemies to target you, causing them to fire in somewhat random directions. This is especially useful against enemies with bullet weapons, like Former Human Commandos.
- Infinity vials allow weapons to be fired endlessly without consuming any ammunition.
- Chrono vials will freeze enemies and projectiles in place, effectively making them harmless while the Powerup Stim is in effect.
- Adrenaline vials function like much, much more potent Regeneration vials, massively boosting your HP and EP regeneration rates.
- Gravity vials grant flight.
- Vampire vials heal you by a percentage of the amount of damage you cause to enemies.
- Rage vials increase your weapon speed twofold.
- Magnetic vials slowly pull all items in the level to you.
A special type of stim which will completely remove all of your toxicity.