Status Effects - Kyle873/DoomRPG GitHub Wiki


Status effects are debuffs which will affect you in different ways. You can get them from taking different types of damage or by exposing yourself to specific types of hazards.

Time and Intensity

When inflicted with a status effect, it will last for a certain amount of time. Each status effect has 5 levels of intensity (unless otherwise specified) which are increasingly more detrimental to you. If you are hit with a status effect you already have, it will add to your current timer and potentially increase it's intensity.

Effect Types


Will darken your screen and make it harder to see. Higher intensities will increase the darkness.


Will make your vision blurry and make it harder for you to aim and move. Higher intensities will increase the blurryness.


Will deal direct health damage to you every second. Will not actually kill you if your health reaches a critical level. Higher intensities will deal more damage per second.


Will deal damage to your armor every second. Higher intensities will deal more damage per second.


Will decrease your movement and jump speeds. Higher intensities will further decrease your speeds.


Will stop you from regenerating and decrease your regeneration timers. Higher intensities will further decrease your timers.


Prevents you from using skills.


Increases the amount of damage you take. Higher intensities further increase the damage you take.


Will completely disable your shields and augmentations and not allow you to re-enable them. Will also drain your augmentation battery. Higher intensities drain your augmentation battery quicker.


Slowly increases your toxicity levels. Will not increase your toxicity past 85%. Higher intensities will increase your toxicity faster.