Stats - Kyle873/DoomRPG GitHub Wiki
Stats govern all of your abilities in Doom RPG. There are 8 primary stats encompassing many secondary stats which can be upgraded.
Your level determines your basic strength and progress through the game. Your level is increased by killing monsters, completing missions and achieving combos.
Rank Level
Your rank level determines your standing within the UAC. Rank will determine how much money you are paid by the UAC as well as the discount you will recieve when purchasing items from the shop.
In order to increase your stats, you must spend Stat Tokens. Stat tokens will be given when leveling up but can also be found in the world as well.
Wildcard Tokens can be used at the Token Converter to convert them into either Stat Tokens or Skill Tokens. Wildcard Tokens can be found in the world or by using the special Wildcard leveling mode.
Stat Cap
By default, you can only increase a stat to a maximum of 100. You can increase a stat past 100 up to the maximum of your current level + 100. For example, if you are level 25, you can increase any stat to a maximum of 125.
Determines extra damage you deal with all types of attacks.
- Base Damage: Extra damage applied by your current level
- Bonus Daamage: Bonus Damage applied by spending points in Strength
- Bonus Multiplier: Bonus damage multiplier given by Auras and Augmentations
- Total Damage: The Total of Base Damage and Bonus Damage together
Determines your resistance to all forms of damage.
- Damage Reduction: A percentage representation of how much incoming damage will be reduced by
- Mass: Represents the current mass of the player, higher values mean you will be less effected by knockback from weapons and projectiles
Determines your max health and regeneration rate.
- Max HP: Your maximum health
- HP Regen: How much health you regenerate per cycle
- Status Resist: A percentage which will determine your chance to resist a status effect when being hit with one
Determines your max EP and regeneration rate.
- Max EP: Your maximum EP
- EP Regen: How much EP you regenerate per cycle
- Aura Time: How much time you will have when applying an Aura effect
- Aura Range: The range of your Aura to effect other players in a multiplayer game
Determines your regeneration rate and the time that Regeneration Spheres last.
- HP/EP Timer: How much time passes between each regeneration cycle
- Regen Bonus: How many seconds from a Regeneration Sphere's bonus are remaining
- Toxicity Regen: How much time it will take for Toxicity to dissipate
Governs your movement, jumping and fire speeds as well as your survival bonus.
- Speed: Your current movement speed
- Jump Height: Your current jump height
- Weapon Speed: How fast your weapons fire
- Survival Bonus: Your current Survival Bonus
Determines your ammo carrying capacity and how many compounds of each type you can carry for Stims.
Determines the rates at which most items drop.
Perks are special enhancements that you receive when you upgrade a stat to 100 points or more. The following perks are available for each stat:
- Strength: Damage Exponentially increases as health lowers
- Defense: Damage taken Exponentially decreases as health lowers
- Vitality: No movement penalties and double HP regeneration rate below 10% health
- Energy: Double EP regeneration rate if burned out and allows stacking of multiple Auras at once
- Regeneration: Regeneration speeds increases as your HP/EP gets lower
- Agility: +30% Survival Bonus and faster movement speeds increase regeneration rates
- Capacity: Ammo regeneration
- Luck: Always have a full map and scanner
Survival Bonus
This is a special attribute which works as a last stand mechanic. When you take a hit that would kill you, a check is done against your survival bonus. If the check succeeds, you will not be killed by the attack and will have a chance to recover or otherwise get away.