Outpost - Kyle873/DoomRPG GitHub Wiki
The UAC Outpost is the hub of Doom RPG where you can perform various activites, access various facilities and stock up between levels.
To get to the outpost, you must use the Transport skill. The transport skill will always be known and costs nothing to use.
It is recommended that you do not attack the Marines or turrets in the outpost, as this will put the entire base on red alert and everyone will then attempt to attack you.
Level Reset
Be aware that when leaving a level to enter the outpost, this will reset the level's state to it's default as it had been when entering it for the first time. This is a limitation of the mod and engine itself and cannot be worked around.
Mission Counter
The mission counter is where you can go to recieve missions. See the Missions page to get more detailed information on mission types and how to complete them.
Level Transporter
You can use the level transporter to view stats on all the levels you have visited and to transport back to them at will.
See the Shop page for a detailed explanation of it's usage and function.
In the arena, you can fight waves of enemies for experience, rank and loot.
Practice Target
You can shoot the target in order to gauge the amount of damage your weapons are doing.
Skill Computer
You can use this computer to change the current skill level without the need to restart the game.
Token Converter
You can use this to convert your different tokens to other token types.
See the Minigames page for more information on the various minigames you can engage in.