FAQ - Kyle873/DoomRPG GitHub Wiki


This page is here to answer common questions and problems which may arise when running or playing Doom RPG.

I have a bug to report

You have several options here.

  • Post in the ZDoom forum thread.
  • Log into IRC using a client or the web client and talk with us directly.
  • Post an issue on the Github page if you have a Github account.

I do ask you keep a few things in mind though, as sometimes I get a lot of reports and a lot of them can be prevented by following these steps:

  • Read a few pages back in the forum thread. Chances are if the bug is fairly obvious or common, I already know about it or someone has already posted about it.
  • Provide as much information as you can. When/where did the bug occur? What were you doing when it happened? Can you make it happen again consistantly?
  • Are you running the latest version of the mod? Doom RPG is updated a lot, and bugs which you report could potentially be fixed in a new version which you do not have.
  • Make sure you are running the latest version of GZDoom. Older versions may not play nice with some of the newer features in the engine which are being used.
  • Check my TODO list list to see if I've already got it written down.

I have a feature suggestion

Cool. I'm always open to adding new features and trying to improve old ones. All I ask is that you please take a quick look at my TODO list to see if I already have it written down already.

I get an error about an unknown sprite "MEGAA0"

You are running Doom 1 without the compatibility patch.

I get an error about an unknown sprite "PMARA1"

You are trying to run Doom RPG with the DRLA patches but without the wads. Please keep in mind that Doom RPG doesn't come with DRLA itself. You will need to go to the topic here in order to download the mod.

Everything looks weird and/or miscolored

You are playing in software mode. Software mode is generally not supported due to lacking many of the features needed for the mod to look good and work properly. Some effects will cause severe slowdown in software mode and it is generally recommended that you play in OpenGL.

I get an error about Shields.txt

You need to update your version of GZDoom to the latest revision. You can find the latest version here.

My framerate is tanking/The game is running extremely slow

This can generally happen when you are playing a map with over 1000 monsters or said number of monsters are all within the same area. This is due to how ZDoom's actor logic works and is handled. Doom RPG is an extremely intensive mod and needs to process upwards of 5 scripts per enemy. This can take a lot of CPU power to do and may cause lag on older machines.

The launcher is crashing/not working properly

You need to have the .NET Framework 4.5 installed in order for the launcher to function properly. You can get it from here. Note that .NET 4.5 will not work on Windows XP, hence, the launcher will also not work either.

I cannot see basic HUD elements such as health, armor, ammo, etc

Make sure you have your HUD size set to fullscreen. You can do this by opening the console with ~ and putting in "screenblocks 11". Also be sure that the alternate HUD is not enabled as it will conflict with Doom RPG's HUD.