Augmentations - Kyle873/DoomRPG GitHub Wiki
Augmentations give you permenant bonuses to your stats while they are active.
Augmentations can only work while your battery has a charge. Your battery can be recharged by using augmentation batteries from your inventory or by recieving certain types of damage. Battery drain is determined by how many augmentations you have active and how high their levels are. The more augmentation active and the higher their levels, the quicker the battery will drain.
To unlock an augmentation, you must first use an augmentation canister. These will allow you to unlock an augmentation of your choice. To upgrade an augmentation, you must both have an augmentation canister and an equal number of augmentation upgrade canisters to the level you are upgrading to. Augmentation canisters and upgrade canisters can be bought from the shop, found as rare drops from enemies or found in the world.
You can only activate as many augmentations as you have available slots for. To increase the number of slots you have, you must find an augmentation slot upgrade. Augmentation slot upgrades can be bought from the shop, found as extremely rare drops from enemies or found in the world.