Shroom Glider - KxmischesDomi/MushroomAdditions GitHub Wiki

Shroom Glider

Shroom Glider
Rarity Color Common
Durability Yes (100)
Renewable Yes
Stackable No

A shroom glider is a type of helmet armor.


When equipped, a shroom glider will grant a player 1 armor point. As long as the player has a shroom glider equipped it will make them slow down in air with a durability loss of 1 per tick in air. If a player is on the ground while having a shroom glider equipped that does not have its full durability it will gain 1 durability per tick.


Ingredients Crafting recipe
Red Mushroom Block


  • Shroom gliders can not be repaired in the crafting table or anvil.
  • Shroom gliders have been made to ease up vertical travel for early game players due to the would height being drastically increased since 1.18.
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