Music Disc - KxmischesDomi/MushroomAdditions GitHub Wiki

Music Disc (Twilight - Marb7e)

Twilight - Marb7e
Rarity Color Rare
Renewable Yes
Stackable No

Music discs are unique items that can be played in jukeboxes.



The Twilight disc can be obtained by fishing inside of a Glow Shroom biome. They are part of the treasure loot table. There is a 5% chance you obtain a treasure when fishing. The Twilight disc is 1 of the 7 treasure items meaning your total chance of getting the Twilight disc is 0.714%.


  • A magical, fairy tale like song.
  • It uses the leitmotiv of Sweden (From C418)
  • Mushroom Synths are used since the disc can only be obtained in a mushroom biome.
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