Huge Glow Mushroom - KxmischesDomi/MushroomAdditions GitHub Wiki

Huge Glow Mushroom

Huge Glow Mushroom
Glow Shroom Caves Yes

Huge mushrooms are tree-like structures that consist of glow mushroom blocks. They can be found naturally in glow shroom caves‌ or grown from a small glow mushroom by applying bone meal on it - small glow mushrooms do not turn into huge mushrooms naturally.


Huge glow mushrooms naturally generate in glow shroom caves‌.


When bone meal is applied to a glow mushroom, the mushroom has a chance to grow into a huge glow mushroom, provided that it is on a proper block (grass block, dirt, coarse dirt, rooted dirt or moss block at a light level of 12 or below; on podzol, mycelium or nylium at any light level) and has enough space (7x7x9).

A huge mushroom does not grow above the height limit.

Any small mushroom placed does not grow into a huge mushroom naturally; bone meal must be applied.


A stem is always 4 - 6 high. The cap is 7x7 without corners and the edges one block down.


When receiving a random tick, a glow mushroom has a chance of spreading to a nearby block (including even above and below diagonally) if there are fewer than five mushrooms of the same type in a 9×9×3 volume around the original mushroom.

Name Identifier
[No displayed name] huge_glow_shroom
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