World Downloads - Kwikxilver/PlanetOne GitHub Wiki

Planet One has had many iterations over its history. For those interested in our past, or maybe nostalgic players looking for their old bases - this page is for you. It contains links to download every world we have run on the server, and a bit of information about each iteration.

Quick Links:

Infinity Evolved (? - April 2019)

Planet One's original form, a world for the FTB Infinity Evolved modpack. This map marked the birth of our community out of a group of friends playing together under one roof.

World Download (zip): Currently unavailable.

Size: Unknown

Planet One Season 1 (April 2019 - February 2020)

The original iteration of Planet One's vanilla world, Season 1 offered more traditional Minecraft gameplay and shifted more towards Hermitcraft-style bases and shops. This iteration marked the birth of the gold-based economy, which was quickly exploited and became meaningless due to a lack of restrictions on the supply of gold. Nevertheless it is still the most long-running and often fondly remembered iteration of Planet One, owing to the large amount of builds contained on the map.

World Download (zip):

Size: 3.66 GB

Tested and working on Minecraft Java Edition version 1.16.1.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and unzip, you should find a folder called "Season1_world".

  2. Open the Saves folder of your Minecraft instance, and drop the world in there.

  3. Launch Minecraft, and you should be able to load the world in Single Player.

Planet One Season 1.5 (March 2020 - April 2020)

Season 1.5 was a test instance used to bug-check and experiment with plugins for Season 2. This iteration was Towny-focused, experimenting with many elements of the economy and Hidden Ore. This iteration is notable for its higher focus on PvP and Raiding, as this was allowed in unclaimed areas. Notable towns in this season were Bean Cave, Hydra, and Horseshoe.

World Download (zip):

Size: 778 MB

Tested and working on Minecraft Java Edition version 1.16.1.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and unzip, you should find a folder called "Season1point5_world".

  2. Open the Saves folder of your Minecraft instance, and drop the world in there.

  3. Launch Minecraft, and you should be able to load the world in Single Player.

MC Eternal Lite (May - August 2020)

Originally created as a modpack server for Kwikxilver and friends, this pack was opened up to the wider server in May 2020.

World Download (zip):

Size: 238 MB

Modpack link:

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and unzip, you should find a folder called "world".

  2. Open the Saves folder of your MC Eternal Lite instance, and drop the world in there.

  3. Launch MC Eternal Lite, and you should be able to load the world in Single Player.

Planet One Season 2 (May 2020 - December 2020)

An iteration of Planet One which focused on community-building through Towny and realistic economy systems. Season 2 restricted or modified many aspects of Vanilla gameplay, for example crops and ores can only grow / be found in different biomes to encourage trade. Closed in December 2020.

World Download (zip):

Size: 1.35 GB

Tested and working on Minecraft Java Edition version 1.16.4.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and unzip, you should find a folder called "world".

  2. Open the Saves folder of your vanilla Minecraft instance, and drop the world in there.

  3. The included "world.points" file can either be read by Voxelmap or opened in the text editor of your choice to reveal interesting coordinates saved by the admin.

Planet One Season 3 (November 2021 - January 2022)

The third iteration of Planet One, a vanilla server run by community member Kiddo1 and endorsed by Planet One admins. Closed in January 2022.

World Download (zip):

Size: 513 MB

Tested and working on Minecraft Java Edition version 1.18.1

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and unzip, you should find a folder called "planetoneseason3".

  2. Open the Saves folder of your vanilla Minecraft instance, and drop the world in there.

Planet One Season 4 (February 2022 - November 2022)

A vanilla server run by Planet One Admins. Taken offline in November 2022.

World Download (zip):

Size: 1.04 GB

Tested and working on Minecraft Java Edition version 1.18.2

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and unzip, you should find a folder called "PlanetOneS4".

  2. Open the Saves folder of your vanilla Minecraft instance, and drop the world in there.

Planet One All The Mods 8 (October 2023 - March 2024)

An All The Mods 8 modded minecraft server centred around the settlement of Bicoland. Taken offline in November 2022.

World Download (zip):

Size: 2.26 GB

Tested and working on All The Mods 8

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and unzip, you should find a folder called "world".

  2. Open the Saves folder of your All The Mods 8 Minecraft instance, and drop the world in there.